Horses -- Israel -- History : The horsemen of Israel : horses and chariotry in monarchic Israel (ninth-eighth centuries B.C.E.) / Deborah O'Daniel Cantrell
Horses -- Latin America -- History : Feral empire : horse and human in the early modern Iberian world / Kathryn Renton, University of California, Los Angeles
Horses -- Law and legislation -- United States : A practical treatise on the law of horses : embracing the law of bargain, sale, and warranty of horses and other live stock : the rule as to unsoundness and vice : and the responsibility of the proprietors of livery auction, and sale stables, inkeepers, veterinary surgeons, farriers, carriers : and the law of negligence in the use of horses, including the rule of the road and the responsibility of owners for injuries caused by vicious and unruly animals / by M.D. Hanover
Horses -- Models. : For the Juniors: Working Animals: Working Horses - Ep 1 Of 2
Horses -- Music : Récital équestre pour une académie / produced by CLC Productions ; directed by Clément 'Bartabas' Marty and Franck Guérin ; choreographed by Clément 'Bartabas' Marty
Horses -- Netherlands -- Equipment and supplies : Armed Batavians : use and significance of weaponry and horse gear from non-military contexts in the Rhine Delta (50 BC to AD 450) / Johan Nicolay
Horses -- New Zealand -- Anecdotes. : Horses and horsemen : wild bush horses ; thoroughbreds and the men who rode them / edited by Jack Pollard
Horses -- North America -- History : A song for the horse nation : horses in Native American cultures / National Museum of the American Indian ; edited by George P. Horse Capture and Emil Her Many Horses with additional essays by Herman J. Viola and Linda R. Martin
Horses -- Paces, gaits, etc. : Bild-Text-Atlas zur Anatomie und Klinik des Pferdes [Band 1], Bewegungsapparat und Lahmheit / Ronald J. Riegel, Susan E. Hakola ; mit Illustrationen von Jeffrey B. Dirig, Susan E. Hakola und Andrea O'Shea ; ins Deutsche übertragen und bearbeitet von Clemens Schickling, Ingrid Elter, Sven Reese
Horses -- Parasites : Pests and parasites of horses / Erika T. Machtinger, Emma N.I. Weeks, Christopher J. Geden and Erica Lacher
Horses -- Pedigrees. : The genealogy of the English race horse : with the natural history of his progenitors, from the earliest times down to the period when foreign blood was first introduced into this kingdom; collected from the best authorities: to which is added, the general practice of the most judicious breeders, whereby they have improved & perfected our breed of blood horses so as to have acquired a decided pre-eminence and superiority in the essential points of size, strength, beauty, speed, bottom, &c. &c. over those of other countries: with observations upon the present improved method of breeding for the turf, on the selection of stallions, choice of brood mares, crossing the blood, or mixing races; treatment of brood mares and young colts intended for racing, &c. &c. The result of observation and experience during an acquaintance for many years with the turf / by T. Hornby Morland