Housing Gay college students United States : Trans* policies and experiences in housing and residence life / edited by Jason C. Garvey, Stephanie H. Chang, Z. Nicolazzo, and Rex Jackson ; foreword by Kathleen G. Kerr
Housing Gay people Ohio Columbus : Flag wars / ITVS presents ; Zula/Pearl Films, Inc. ; a film by Linda Goode Bryant & Laura Poitras ; produced in association with the Independent Television Service (ITVS), P.O.V./American Documentary, Inc., and the National Black Programming Consortium (NBPC)
Housing -- Ghana -- Accra : The mobile city of Accra : urban families, housing and residential practices = Accra capitale en mouvement : familles citadines, logement et pratiques résidentielles / Elizabeth Ardayfio-Schandorf, Paul W.K. Yankson, Monique Bertrand
Housing -- Ghana -- Accra -- Sociological aspects : The mobile city of Accra : urban families, housing and residential practices = Accra, capitale en mouvement : familles citadines, logement et pratiques résidentielles / Elizabeth Ardayfio-Schandorf, Paul W.K. Yankson, Monique Bertrand
Housing -- Greece -- History -- To 1500 : Ancient Greek houses and households : chronological, regional, and social diversity / edited by Bradley A. Ault and Lisa C. Nevett
Housing -- Greenland : Housing, homelessness, and social policy in the urban north / edited by Julia Christensen, Sally Carraher, Travis Hedwig, and Steven Arnfjord
Housing -- Haiti : Urban dwellings, Haitian citizenships : housing, memory, and daily life in Haiti / Vincent Joos
Housing -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. : Handbook of housing systems for designers and developers / Laurence Stephan Cutler [and] Sherrie Stephens Culter
Housing Homeless persons Canada : Housing the Homeless and Poor : New Partnerships among the Private, Public, and Third Sectors
Housing Homeless persons Canada Congresses : Housing the homeless poor : new partnerships among the private, public, and third sectors / edited by George Fallis, Alex Murray
Housing Homeless persons South Africa : The age of cities and organizations of the urban poor : the work of the South Afrcan Homeless People's Federation and the People's Dialogue on Land and Shelter / Ted Baumann, Joel Bolnick and Diana Mitlin