Human rights workers -- Training of : Economic, social and cultural rights : handbook for national human rights institutions / Office of the United Nations, High Commissioner for Human Rights
Human rights workers -- United States : Remarks on presenting the Eleanor Roosevelt Award for Human Rights and the Presidential Medal of Freedom / Presidential Libraries
Human rights workers -- Uruguay : Left in transformation : Uruguayan exiles and the Latin American human rights networks, 1967-1984 / Vania Markarian
Human rights workers -- Violence against -- China : Current conditions for human rights defenders and lawyers in China, and implications for U.S. policy : roundtable before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, June 23, 2011
Human rights -- Wyoming : Matt Shepard is a friend of mine / Logo Documentary Films & Education Pictures present ; a film by Michele Josue ; directed by Michele Josue ; produced by Liam McNiff, Michele Josue ; Run Rabbit Run Media
Human rights -- Zimbabwe -- Congresses : Pentecostalism and human rights in contemporary Zimbabwe / edited by Francis Machingura, Lovemore Togarasei and Ezra Chitando
Here are entered works on the process of determining the health effects of exposure of individuals or of a population to hazardous materials and/or situations, or on the adverse consequences that may result from the use of a technology or some other action --subdivision Health risk assessment under classes of persons, e.g. Older people--Health risk assessment
Human sacrifice -- Andes Region : Inka human sacrifice and mountain worship : strategies for empire unification / Thomas Besom
Human sacrifice -- Central America. : New perspectives on human sacrifice and ritual body treatment in ancient Maya society / edited by Vera Tiesler and Andrea Cucina
Human sacrifice -- History : In search of history. The bloody history of human sacrifice / series producer, David M. Frank ; produced by Timothy Evans ; produced by FilmRoos, Inc. for the History Channel