Hungary Espionage, American : Western corporations and covert operations in the early Cold War : re-examining the Vogeler/Sanders case / Margaret Murányi Manchester
Hungary Espionage, British : Western corporations and covert operations in the early Cold War : re-examining the Vogeler/Sanders case / Margaret Murányi Manchester
Hungary -- Ethic relations : The politics of inclusion and exclusion : Jews and nationalism in Hungary / Vera Ranki
Hungary Ethnicity History : The historical construction of national consciousness : selected writings / Jenő Szűcs ; edited by Gábor Klaniczay, Balázs Trencsényi, Gábor Gyáni
Hungary Ethnology Early works to 1800 : Muslim sources on the Magyars in the second half of the 9th century : the Magyar chapter of the Jayhani tradition / by Istvan Zimonyi
Hungary Europe Relations : A divided Hungary in Europe. Volume 1, Study tours and intellectual-religious relationships : exchanges, networks and representations, 1541-1699 / edited by Gábor Almási
Hungary Excavations (Archaeology) Nemesbőd : The early and late Roman rural cemetery at Nemesbőd (Vas County, Hungary) / editor in chief Gábor Ilon ; text edited by Judit Kvassay
Hungary Executions (Law) : A magyar bírósági végrehajtás rendszere : a bírósági végrehajtási eljárás rendszere, a végrehajtó szervezet, történeti előzmények, a szabályozás és a főbb problémák bemutatása, értékelése Magyarországon / Dr. Pataki János István
Hungary Fair trial : Fair trial and judicial independence : Hungarian perspectives / Attila Badó, editor
Hungary Families : Queer families in Hungary : same-sex couples, families of origin, and kinship / Rita Béres-Deák
Hungary Family policy : Mothers, families or children? : family policy in Poland, Hungary, and Romania, 1945-2020 / Tomasz Inglot, Dorottya Szikra, and Cristina Raț
Hungary Fascism History 20th century : The women of the Arrow Cross Party : invisible Hungarian perpetrators in the Second World War / Andrea Pető
Hungary Fascism History 21st century : The women of the Arrow Cross Party : invisible Hungarian perpetrators in the Second World War / Andrea Pető
Hungary Feature films : A Torinói ló = The Turin horse / T.T. Filmműhely, MPM Film, Vega Film Zero Fiction ; bemutatja ; Tarr Béla filmjét ; rendezte, Tarr Béla ; társrendező és vágó, Hranitzky Ágnes ; írta, Krasznahorkai László, Tarr Béla
Hungary Feminism and literature : Shifting voices : feminist thought and women's writing in fin-de-siècle Austria and Hungary / Agatha Schwartz
Hungary Finance, Public : Jeremiah Smith, Jr. and Hungary, 1924-1926 : the United States, the League of Nations, and the financial reconstruction of Hungary / Zoltán Peterecz