Hungary Patriotism : Agents of Moscow : the Hungarian Communist Party and the origins of socialist patriotism, 1941-1953 / Martin Mevius
Hungary -- Pécs : Holy brotherhood : Romani music in a Hungarian Pentecostal church / Barbara Rose Lange
Hungary Pensions Government policy : Pension reforms in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe : from post-Socialist transition to the global financial crisis / Igor Guardiancich
Hungary Pharmaceutical industry Corrupt practices : Institutional corruption theory in pharmaceutical industry-medicine relationships : a qualitative analysis of Hungary and the Netherlands / Anna Laskai
Hungary Philosophers : Conversations with Lukács / Hans Heinz Holz, Leo Kofler, Wolfgang Abendroth ; edited by Theo Pinkus ; [translated by David Fernbach]
Hungary Police : A study in infamy : the operations of the Hungarian Secret Police (AVO), based on secret documents issued by the Hungarian Ministry of the Interior / George Mikes
Hungary Police administration : "I can stop and search whoever I want" : police stops of ethnic minorities in Bulgaria, Hungary, and Spain / Joel Miller
Hungary Police supervision : Forced labor and confinement without trial in Hungary / prepared by John Fischer, Hugo Kalnoky [and] Leslie Le Nard. Edited by Vladimir Gsovski assisted by Edmund C. Jann [and] Kazimierz Grzybowski
Hungary Political customs and rites History To 1500 : Ritual and symbolic communication in medieval Hungary under the Árpád dynasty (1000-1301) / by Dušan Zupka ; translated from the Slovak by Julia and Peter Sherwood
Hungary Political ethics : Civic and Uncivic Values in Hungary Value Transformation, Politics, and Religion