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Access this resource: ASCE Library
Description ASCE Library is a comprehensive tool for locating online content across all disciplines of civil engineering. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) issues publications including journals, papers from conference proceedings, and standards.
Subject area Engineering and Design
Other name ASCE Online Research Library
  American Society of Civil Engineers


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
ASCE Library ASCE-ASME journal of risk and uncertainty in engineering systems. Part A, Civil Engineering 01 Mar. 2015-
ASCE Library International journal of geomechanics (Online) 01 Jan. 2001-
ASCE Library Journal of aerospace engineering (Online) 01 Jan. 1988-
ASCE Library Journal of architectural engineering (Online) 01 Mar. 1995-
ASCE Library Journal of bridge engineering (Online) 01 Feb. 1996-
ASCE Library Journal of civil engineering education 01 Jan. 2020-
ASCE Library Journal of construction engineering and management (Online) 01 Mar. 1983-
ASCE Library Journal of composites for construction (Online) 01 Feb. 1997-
ASCE Library Journal of computing in civil engineering (Online) 01 Jan. 1987-
ASCE Library Journal of cold regions engineering (Online) 01 Mar. 1987-
ASCE Library Journal of energy engineering (Online) 01 Mar. 1983-
ASCE Library Journal of environmental engineering (New York, N.Y. : Online) 01 Feb. 1983-
ASCE Library Journal of engineering mechanics (Online) 01 Feb. 1983-
ASCE Library Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering (Online) 01 Jan. 1997-
ASCE Library Journal of geotechnical engineering (Online) 01 Jan. 1983 - 31 Dec. 1996
ASCE Library Journal of hazardous, toxic and radioactive waste (Online) 01 Jan. 2011-
ASCE Library Journal of highway and transportation research and development 01 Dec. 2006-
ASCE Library Journal of hydraulic engineering (New York, N.Y.) 01 Jan. 1983-
ASCE Library Journal of hydrologic engineering American Society of Civil Engineers, Water Resources Engineering Division 01 Jan. 1996-
ASCE Library Journal of infrastructure systems (Online) 01 Mar. 1995-