Illinois Social integration Chicago : Integrating the inner city : the promise and perils of mixed-income public housing transformation / Robert J. Chaskin and Mark L. Joseph
Illinois Social media Chicago : Ballad of the bullet : gangs, drill music, and the power of online infamy / Forrest Stuart
Illinois Social media Study and teaching (Middle school) Chicago : The Digital Youth Network : cultivating digital media citizenship in urban communities / Brigid Barron, Kimberley Gomez, Nichole Pinkard, and Caitlin K. Martin ; with contributions by Kimberly Austin, Tene Gray, Amber Levinson, Jolie Matthews, Véronique Mertl, Kimberly A. Richards, Maryanna Rogers, Daniel Stringer, and Jolene Zywica
Illinois Social participation Chicago : Sacred assemblies and civic engagement : how religion matters for America's newest immigrants / Fred Kniss, Paul D. Numrich
Illinois Social service East Saint Louis : What challenges did secretaries of the East St. Louis National Catholic Community House face in their social work with immigrants, 1918-1922? / documents selected and interpreted by Jeanne Petit
Illinois Social settlements Chicago : How did changes in the built environment at Hull-House reflect the settlement's interaction with its neighbors, 1889-1912? / by Melissa Doak, et al
Illinois Social workers Chicago Biography : When friends come from afar : the remarkable story of Bernie Wong and Chicago's Chinese American Service League / Susan Blumberg-Kason
Illinois Sociology, Military : Manhood, citizenship, and the National Guard : Illinois, 1870-1917 / Eleanor L. Hannah
Illinois Sociology, Rural : Newcomers to old towns : suburbanization of the heartland / Sonya Salamon with the collaboration of Karen Davis-Brown, Patricia A. Howard, Consolata Kabonesa, Bret Kloos, Cynthia Loula, Matteo B. Marini, Stephanie Schaefer, Jane B. Tornatore, and Stacey Williams
Illinois Soldiers Biography : The story of my campaign : the Civil War memoir of Captain Francis T. Moore, Second Illinois Cavalry / edited by Thomas Bahde ; with a foreword by Michael Fellman
Illinois Soldiers Correspondence : In their letters, in their words : Illinois Civil War soldiers write home / edited by Mark Flotow
Illinois Soldiers Diaries : On to Atlanta : the Civil War diaries of John Hill Ferguson, Illinois Tenth Regiment of Volunteers / edited by Janet Correll Ellison with assistance from Mark A. Weitz