Income -- India -- Madhya Pradesh : Basic income : a transformative policy for India / Sarath Davala, Renana Jhabvala, Soumya Kapoor Mehta and Guy Standing
Income -- Japan : Rebalancing in Japan : the role of private consumption / prepared by Kiichi Tokuoka
Income -- Latin America : Economic mobility and the rise of the Latin American middle class / Francisco H.G. Ferreira [and five others]
Income -- Law and legislation : Dall' assistenza al Reddito di Cittadinanza (e ritorno) : prime riflessioni sul Reddito di Cittadinanza
Income -- Law and legislation -- Australia. : Referendums to be held on Saturday, 8 December 1973 on the proposed laws for the alteration of the Constitution entitled, Constitution alteration (prices) 1973 and Constitution alteration (incomes) 1973 / [Commonwealth Electoral Office]
Income maintenance programs -- Asia, Central : Income support for the poorest : a review of experience in Eastern Europe and Central Asia / Emil Tesliuc [and three others] ; cover design, Debra Naylor
Income maintenance programs -- Europe, Eastern : Income support for the poorest : a review of experience in Eastern Europe and Central Asia / Emil Tesliuc [and three others] ; cover design, Debra Naylor
Income maintenance programs -- India : The long road to social security : assessing the implementation of national social security initiatives for the working poor in India / edited by K.P. Kannan and Jan Breman
Income maintenance programs -- Law and legislation -- Italy : Redditi e occupazione nelle crisi d'impresa : tutele legali e convenzionali nell'ordinamento italiano e dell'unione europea / Giuseppe Ferraro (a cura di) ; con la partecipazione di Maurizio Cinelli [and others]
Income maintenance programs -- Mexico : Efectos económicos de políticas sociales y energéticas en México : dos estudios de caso con una matriz de contabilidad social y un modelo de equilibrio general aplicado / Gaspar Núñez Rodríguez