Indian Ocean Region Harbors Strategic aspects : China's maritime silk road : strategic and economic implications for the Indo-Pacific region / editor Nicholas Szecheynl, foreword Michael J. Green, contributing authors Zack Cooper, Matthew Funaiole, Jesse Bardker Gale, Jonathan Hillman, Gurmeet Kanwal, Harsh V. Pant, Gregory B. Polinc, Andrew Shearer
Indian Ocean Region -- History -- Juvenile literature. : Peoples and nations of the Far East and Pacific : a short history of each country in the Far East, Australasia, and the Pacific and Indian Oceans / Sheila Fairfield
Indian Ocean Region Human ecology : Africa and the Indian Ocean world from early times to circa 1900 / Gwyn Campbell, McGill University, Montréal
Indian Ocean Region Humanitarian assistance Congresses : Curbing corruption in Tsunami relief operations : proceedings of the Jakarta expert meeting organized by the ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific and Transparency International, and hosted by the Government of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, 7-8 April 2005
Indian Ocean Region Humanities : Reading from the South : African print cultures and oceanic turns in Isabel Hofmeyr's work / edited by Charne Lavery & Sarah Nuttall
Indian Ocean Region Law of the sea : Indian Ocean rising : maritime security and policy challenges / edited by David Michel and Russell Sticklor
Indian Ocean Region Liberalism : Beyond liberal order : states, societies and markets in the global Indian Ocean / Harry Verhoeven and Anatol Lieven (editors)
Indian Ocean Region Material culture : Cargoes in motion : materiality and connectivity across the Indian Ocean / edited by Burkhard Schnepel and Julia Verne
Indian Ocean Region -- Military relations : Indian Ocean and maritime security : competition, cooperation and threat / edited by Bimal N. Patel, Aruna Kumar Malik and William Nunes
Indian Ocean Region Nationalism : Security and security building in the Indian Ocean region / Sandy Gordon with Desmond Ball, Paul Dibb and Amin Saikal
Indian Ocean Region Natural disasters Economic aspects : The 2004 hurricanes in the Caribbean and the tsunami in the Indian Ocean : lessons and policy changes for development and disaster reduction / Ricardo Zapata Martí