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Description Independent Voices is an open access digital collection of alternative press newspapers, magazines and journals produced by feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Hispanics, LGBT activists, the extreme right-wing press and alternative literary magazines during the latter half of the 20th century.
Subject area Humanities
  Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies
  Social Sciences
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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
Independent Voices 0 to 9 (New York, N.Y.) 01 Apr. 1967 - 15 July 1969
Independent Voices 99th bummer 05 Jan. 1971 - 31 May 1972
Independent Voices A: A Journal of Contemporary Literature 01 Oct. 1976 - 31 Jan. 1982
Independent Voices "A" Company Underground 01 Mar. 1972 - 30 Apr. 1972
Independent Voices About face (Los Angeles, Calif.) 01 Mar. 1969 - 31 July 1969
Independent Voices About Face (Bergstrom AFB) 01 Jan. 1971 - 31 Jan. 1971
Independent Voices a'bout face (Black Disciple Party) 29 Sept. 1971 - 31 Dec. 1971
Independent Voices About Face!: The U.S. Servicemen's Fund Newsletter 01 Jan. 1971 - 30 June 1973
Independent Voices a'Bout Face (Unsatisfied Black Soldiers) 13 June 1970 - 27 Aug. 1971
Independent Voices Achte Drauf 02 Jan. 1974 - 04 Jan. 1976
Independent Voices ACT 01 Jan. 1968 - 31 Jan. 1971
Independent Voices Action and Information Guide 27 Apr. 1977 - 16 Aug. 1977
Independent Voices Action bulletin 04 Mar. 1969 - 31 Mar. 1969
Independent Voices The activist 01 Oct. 1960 - 30 Apr. 1975
Independent Voices Ad Hoc Bulletin (Marxist-Leninist) 01 May 1968 - 31 May 1968
Independent Voices Adventures in poetry (New York, N.Y. : 1968) 01 Mar. 1968 - 31 July 1975
Independent Voices Aegis (Washington, D.C.) 01 July 1978 - 31 Jan. 1987
Independent Voices Aerospaced 01 Oct. 1960 - 31 May 1970
Independent Voices AFA notes 01 Nov. 1973 - 31 Jan. 1976
Independent Voices Agenutemagen 01 Nov. 1971 - 31 Dec. 1973