Indonesia Palms Roti Island : The water of words : a cultural ecology of an eastern Indonesian island / a film by Timothy Asch, James Fox, Patsy Asch ; Timothy Asch, filmmaker and co-producer ; Patsy Asch, editor and co-producer
Indonesia Papua New Guinea Relations Congresses : "Inside the triangle: Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea" : papers 13th National Conference of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, 14-16 March 1986, Melbourne
Indonesia Parenting Study and teaching : Parenting education in Indonesia : review and recommendations to strengthen programs and systems / Heather Biggar Tomlinson and Syifa Andina
Indonesia Peace movements Timor Timur : Making solidarity effective : northern voluntary organisations, policy advocacy and the promotion of peace in Angola and East Timor / Stephen Baranyi ... [and others]
Indonesia Pearl divers : Pearl diving (Indonesia) / directed by Benoît Ségur and Vincent Grémillon ; produced by Manuel Catteau
Indonesia Pearl industry and trade History : The pearl frontier : Indonesian labor and Indigenous encounters in Australia's northern trading network / Julia Martínez and Adrian Vickers
Indonesia Peasants : Approaching Suharto's Indonesia from the margins / edited by Takashi Shiraishi
Indonesia Peasants Biography : Human face of Indonesia. Journey to a new life : a story of transmigration / Film Australia ; director, David Roberts ; producer, Rob McAuley
Indonesia Peasants Jawa Timur History : Javanese peasants and the colonial sugar industry : impact and change in an East Java Residency, 1830-1940 / R.E. Elson