Industrial hygiene -- Australasia. : Safe business, good business : a practical guide to occupational safety, health and insurance in Australasia / Tanya Barrett and Don Cameron, editors
Industrial hygiene -- Australia -- History. : Industrial health and safety : an account of personal experience in industrial health and safety problems and their management / by Alan George Cumpston
Industrial hygiene -- Australia -- Law & legislation : Draft national code of practice for health care workers and other people at risk of the transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B in the workplace : a public discussion paper, September 1992 / National Occupational Health and Safety Commission
Industrial hygiene -- Australia -- New South Wales. : Report of the Royal Commission (Mr Justice Davidson, Mr S. McKensey and Mr F. Lowden) appointed to inquire into and report upon the safety and health of workers in coal mines; together with appendices and schedules
Industrial hygiene -- Australia -- Tasmania. : A return to work guide for Tasmania : a guide for employers, workers, insurers, unions, medical and legal practitioners, service providers and anyone involved in workplace rehabilitation and return to work / [Andrew Hemming]
Industrial hygiene -- Australia -- Victoria -- Evaluation. : Report on ... the general state, efficiency and condition of the Police Force prior to November 1923, as to whether any and what grievances were complained of by members of such force prior to the month of November 1923, the cause or causes moving certain persons then members of the force to refuse duty or strike in the month of November, 1923, the consequences arising from such refusal or strike : with, Appendix / Victoria, Royal Commission on the Victorian Police Force
Industrial hygiene -- Brazil : Saúde do trabalhador na sociedade brasileira contemporânea / Carlos Minayo Gomez, Jorge Mesquita Huet Machado, Paulo Gilvane Lopes Pena, organizadores
Industrial hygiene -- Brazil -- Periodicals : Revista brasileira de saúde ocupacional / Ministério do Trabalho e Previdência Social, FUNDACENTRO, Fundação Jorge Duprat Figueiredo de Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho
Industrial hygiene -- Developing countries : Approaches to Universal Health Coverage and Occupational Health and Safety for the Informal Workforce in Developing Countries : Workshop Summary