The science, art, or technology dealing with processes involved in the separation of metals from their ores, the technique of making or compounding the alloys, the techniques of working or heat-treating metals, and the mining of metals. It includes industrial metallurgy as well as metallurgical techniques employed in the preparation and working of metals used in dentistry, with special reference to orthodontic and prosthodontic appliances. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p494)
Industry Labor unions Botswana History : The Making of an African Working Class : Politics, Law, and Cultural Protest in the Manual Workers Union of Botswana / by Pnina Werbner
That segment of commercial enterprise devoted to the design, development, and manufacture of chemical products for use in the diagnosis and treatment of disease, disability, or other dysfunction, or to improve function
That segment of commercial enterprise devoted to the design, development, and manufacture of chemical products for use in the diagnosis and treatment of disease, disability, or other dysfunction, or to improve function
Here are entered works on the physical or mental exertion of individuals to produce or accomplish something. Works on the collective human activities involved in the production and distribution of goods and services are entered under Labor
Industry Studies: Manufacturing. : The effects of environmental regulation on the competitiveness of U.S. manufacturing Michael Greenstone, John A. List, Chad Syverson
Industry Sustainable development Africa Congresses : Sustainable development and human security in Africa : governance as the missing link / edited by Louis A. Picard, Terry F. Buss, Taylor B. Seybolt, Macrina C. Lelei
industry USA air force modernization military technology aerospace : Evaluation of U.S. Air Force preacquisition technology development / Committee on Evaluation of U.S. Air Force Preacquisition Technology Development, Air Force Studies Board, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council of the National Academies
Here are entered works on the relationship between God and the individual Christian at the highest level of mystical experience. Works on the Christian doctrine that the church is the mystical body of Christ are entered under Jesus Christ--Mystical body
Here are entered works on alcoholic intoxication as a criminal offense or as a factor of criminal liability. Works on the relation between alcoholism and criminal behavior or the incidence of crime are entered under the heading Alcoholism and crime