Inheritance and succession -- Great Britain -- Cases. : Index register to next of kin, heirs at law, legatees, etc. etc. containing the names of persons whose next of kin, heirs at law and personal representatives are wanted, also persons who have been advertised for to claim vast sums of money and property in Great Britain and all parts of the world since 1650 ... / compiled and alphabetically arranged by F.H. Dougal & Co
Inheritance and succession (Hindu law) -- Cases : A selection of leading cases on the Hindu law of inheritance, with notes / by the Hon'ble John Bruce Norton, of Lincoln's Inn, barrister at law, advocate general of Madras and member of the Legislative Council
Inheritance and succession -- India -- Cases : A selection of leading cases on the Hindu law of inheritance, with notes / by the Hon'ble John Bruce Norton, of Lincoln's Inn, barrister at law, advocate general of Madras and member of the Legislative Council
Inheritance and succession -- Indonesia. : Hukum waris : menurut kitab undang-undang hukum perdata Belanda / A. Pitlo dengan bantuan J.E. Kasdorp ; alihbahasa M. Isa Arief
Inheritance and succession -- Iowa : The Probate law and practice of Iowa and Dakota : as administered in the courts of probate under the statutes, and decisions of the Supreme Courts of that State and territory, with references to the judicial decisions of California, where a system prevails similar to that in Dakota ; also to the decisions of other states where the same are applicable, and to many late decisions upon wills and their construction ; with numerous forms prepared under the Iowa and Dakota statutes / by M.W. Herrick and J.W. Doxsee
Inheritance and succession (Islamic law) -- Egypt : Code of Mohammedan personal law according to the Hanafite school / by Mohammed Kadri, pasha ; translated by Wasey Sterry, M.A. (barrister-at-law (Lincoln's Inn), Chief Judge of the Sudan) ; and N. Abcarius, Ph. M., LL. B. (Licencié en droit (Paris), Civil Magistrate of the Khartoum Civil District Court)
Inheritance and succession (Islamic law) -- India : The Mohummudan law of inheritance : according to Aboo Huneefa and his followers (the prevailing sect in India), from authorities in the original Arabic / by Neil B.E. Baillie, M.R.A.S
Inheritance and succession (Islamic law) -- Sudan : Code of Mohammedan personal law according to the Hanafite school / by Mohammed Kadri, pasha ; translated by Wasey Sterry, M.A. (barrister-at-law (Lincoln's Inn), Chief Judge of the Sudan) ; and N. Abcarius, Ph. M., LL. B. (Licencié en droit (Paris), Civil Magistrate of the Khartoum Civil District Court)
Inheritance and succession -- Maryland : The deputy commissary's guide within the Province of Maryland : together with plain and sufficient directions for testators to form, and executors to perform their wills and testaments ; for administrators to compleat their administrations, and for every person any way concerned in deceased person's [sic] estates, to proceed therein with safety to themselves and others. / by Elie Vallette. Register of the Prerogative Office of the said province