Instructional materials centers -- Information resources -- Catalogs : Ressources pour les bibliothèques et centres documentaires scolaires / Section des bibliothèques et centres documentaires scolaires ; édité par Paulette Bernhard ; avec la participation de Colette Charrier [and others] = Resourcebook for school libraries and resource centers / Section of School Libraries and Resource Centres ; edited by Paulette Bernhard ; with the participation of Colette Charrier [and others]
Here are entered works dealing with the instruction of readers in library use. Works on the education of librarians are entered under the heading Library education
--subdivision Audio-visual aids under educational headings, e.g. Adult education--Audio-visual aids; and subdivision Study and teaching--Audio-visual aids under subjects
Theoretical models which propose methods of learning or teaching as a basis or adjunct to changes in attitude or behavior. These educational interventions are usually applied in the fields of health and patient education but are not restricted to patient care
Theoretical models which propose methods of learning or teaching as a basis or adjunct to changes in attitude or behavior. These educational interventions are usually applied in the fields of health and patient education but are not restricted to patient care
Here are entered works on the supervision of instruction within schools. General works on the administration and organization of schools are entered under School management and organization
Here are entered works on the analysis and evaluation of the accomplishments of current educational objectives of institutions or programs for purposes of future curriculum development, planning, policy-making, and resource allocation. General works on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the educational system are entered under Education--Evaluation --subdivision Evaluation under specific education topics