Intégrisme islamique -- 1945-. : Anti-American terrorism and the Middle East : a documentary reader / edited by Barry Rubin and Judith Colp Rubin
Intégrisme islamique -- Asie du Sud-Est. : Islam in an era of nation-states : politics and religious renewal in Muslim Southeast Asia / edited by Robert W. Hefner and Patricia Horvatich
Intégrisme islamique -- Égypte. : Middle East historiographies : narrating the Twentieth Century / edited by Israel Gershoni, Amy Singer, Y. Hakan Erdem
Integrodifferentialgleichung : Integrodifferential relations in linear elasticity / by Georgy Viktorovich Kostin, Vasily V. Saurin
Intégrtion économique internationale. : Innovation systems in a global context : the North American experience / edited by Robert Anderson [and others]
Integumentary System -- diagnostic imaging : Dermatologic ultrasound with clinical and histologic correlations / Ximena Wortsman, editor-in-chief ; Gregor B.E. Jemec, co-editor
Integumentary System -- pathology : The Washington manual of dermatology diagnostics / [edited by] M. Laurin Council, David M. Sheinbein, Lynn A. Cornelius
The outer covering of the body composed of the SKIN and the skin appendages, which are the HAIR, the NAILS; and the SEBACEOUS GLANDS and the SWEAT GLANDS and their ducts
The internal fragments of precursor proteins (INternal proTEINS) that are autocatalytically removed by PROTEIN SPLICING. The flanking fragments (EXTEINS) are ligated forming mature proteins. The nucleic acid sequences coding for inteins are considered to be MOBILE GENETIC ELEMENTS. Inteins are composed of self-splicing domains and an endonuclease domain which plays a role in the spread of the intein's genomic sequence. Mini-inteins are composed of the self-splicing domains only