International Congress of Arab Music (1st : 1932 : Cairo, Egypt) / : Henry George Farmer and the First International Congress of Arab Music (Cairo 1932) / by Israel J. Katz with the collaboration of Sheila M. Craik and a foreword by Amnon Shiloah
International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies. / : A history of the Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 1949-2022 : a retrospective to mark the 25th Congress in Nijmegen / David J. Breeze, Tatiana Ivleva, Rebecca H. Jones, Andreas Thiel
International Congress of Women (1904 : Berlin, Germany) / : The International Council of Women and the meetings of the International Congress of Women in Berlin, 1904 / Letters by Mrs. Ogilvie Gordon
International Congress of Women (1915 : Hague, Netherlands) : Commission for enduring peace : hearings before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, Sixty-fourth Congress, first session, on H.R. 6921 and H.J. Res. 32 ... January 11, 1916
International Congress of Women (Sponsored by the Women's International Democratic Federation) -- See World Congress of Women
International Congress of Working Women. / : International Congress of Working Women, meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, October 17, 1921 / by International Congress of Working Women
Here are entered works on international control over the transfer and use of nuclear equipment, material, and technology, aimed at preventing the spread of nuclear explosive capability
International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) : Sélection de décisions du Comité des droits de l'homme prises en vertu du protocole facultatif. Volume 4, De la quarantième à la quarante-sixième session (octobre 1990 - octobre 1992)
international convention. : The future of the CWC in the post-destruction phase / edited by Jean Pascal Zanders ; contributors, Yasemin Balci, Richard Guthrie, Ralf Trapp, Cindy Vestergaard, Jean Pascal Zanders
International Convention Centre : The exportation of event expertise : taking best practice to international markets in the MICE sector / Sarah Edwards, Liander Taylor
International Convention for the Protection of Birds : The International Convention for the Protection of Birds concluded in 1902 : and Hungary : historical sketch / written by order of His Exc. Ignatius de Darányi, by Otto Herman