International Council of Women. Convention. / : "A bird's-eye view of the Women's Convention in Washington" in A half year in the New World / by Alexandra Gripenberg
International Council on Monuments and Sites. Australia ICOMOS -- See Australia ICOMOS
international court. : Forced labour and human trafficking : casebook of court decisions : a training manual for judges, prosecutors, and legal practitioners / International Labour Office
International Court of Arbitration -- Rules and practice : The Secretariat's guide to ICC arbitration : a practical commentary on the 2012 ICC Rules of Arbitration from the Secretariat of the ICC International Court of Arbitration / Jason Fry, Simon Greenberg, Francesca Mazza ; with the assistance of Benjamin Moss
International Court of Justice. Statute. / : Charter of the United Nations and statute of the International Court of Justice / Department of Public Information
Statute of the International Court of Justice -- See Statute
International courts -- Europe : Manual de ámbito jurisdiccional comunitario e internacional : guía práctica para abogados ante la UE y el TEDH / Begoña Rodríguez Díaz (coordinadora), Alfonso Ramos de Molins, Francisco Sanz Gandasegui