1. Introduction -- 2. Some human impacts on Australian stream channel morphology -- 3. Channel planform adjustments along the Waiau River, 1946-1992: assessment of the impacts of flow regulation -- 4. The hydrological and geomorphological impacts of the Tinaroo Falls Dam on the Barron River, North Queensland, Australia -- 5. Managing regulated rivers for environmental values: selected case studies from southeastern Australia -- 6. Geomorphic effects of extractive industries and their implications for river management: the case of the Hawkesbury-Nepean River, New South Wales -- 7. The impact of mining waste on the rivers draining into the Georges Bay, northeast Tasmania -- 8. The Role of stormwater management in Sydney's urban rivers -- 9. The dispersal and storage of trace metals in the Hawkesbury River Valley -- 10. The Role of European disturbance in the metamorphosis of the Lower Bega River -- 11. The Management of unstable rivers: the Avon River, Victoria, Australia -- 12. Measuring stream condition -- 13. Conclusions: future directions