International Bureau of Education -- History : The International Bureau of Education (1925-1968) : "The ascent from the individual to the universal" / Rita Hofstetter, Bernard Schneuwly
International Bureau of Weights and Measures. / : From artefacts to atoms : the BIPM and the search for ultimate measurement standards / Terry Quinn
International Business & Economics : "Alles Frankreich oder was?" - Die saarländische Frankreichstrategie im europäischen Kontext : Interdisziplinäre Zugänge und kritische Perspektiven / Approches interdisciplinaires et perspectives critiques / "La France à toutes les sauces?" - La 'Stratégie France' de la Sarre dans le contexte européen
International business -- Case studies : Pricing and content : Netflix's dilemma in India / Avil Saldanha (Marketing Department, St. Joseph's Institute of Management, Bangalore, India) and Rekha Aranha (School of Business and Management, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, India)
International business enerprises -- Management : Facilitating internationalization speed while achieving universal distribution of mobile gaming apps : a case of universalization by King Digital Entertainment / Jeongho Choi
International business enterprises -- Africa, Southern. : The activities of transnational corporations in the industrial, mining, and military sectors of southern Africa / United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations
International business enterprises -- Argentina : Estrategias de relaciones laborales en empresas multinacionales en Argentina y Brasil 2008-2019 : un abordaje configuracionista / Cecilia Senén González (compiladora) ; Cecilia Senén González [and nine others]