International Epidemiological Association. / : The development of modern epidemiology : personal reports from those who were there / edited by Walter W. Holland, Jørn Olsen and Charles du V. Florey
International Eucharistic Congress (40th :, : 1973 : Melbourne, Vic.) / : Souvenir program of the historical visit of His Beatitude Maximos V. Hakim, Patriach of Antioch and all the East, of Alexandria and of Jerusalem : to the 40th International Eucharistic Congress, Melbourne, February 1973 / [compiled by Rudolph Abou Kater]
International Examinations Inquiry -- History. / : An Atlantic crossing? : the work of the International Examination Inquiry, its researchers, methods, and influence / edited by Martin Lawn
Here are entered works on foreign currencies and on the mechanisms or instruments for settling financial transactions between nations. Works on the economic theory of the acceptance of one thing for another are entered under Exchange
Here are entered works on the international exchange of publications between both governmental bodies and non-governmental, non-profit institutions of an educational, scientific and technical, or cultural nature
Works on the exchange of teachers between two countries have duplicate entry, e.g. 1. Teacher exchange programs--Germany 2. Teacher exchange programs--United States
International Exhibition (1862 : London, Eng) : Masterpieces of industrial art & sculpture at the International Exhibition, 1862 / selected and described by J.B. Waring ; chromo-lithographed by and under the direction of W.R. Tymms, A. Warren, and G. Macculloch ; from photographs supplied by the London Photographic and Stereoscopic Company, taken exclusively for this work by Stephen Thompson
International Exhibition (1862 : London, England) -- Public opinion. / : What do you think of the Exhibition? : a collection of the best descriptions and criticisms, from the leading journals concerning the International Exhibition : the building, the contents and the Commissioners' arrangements / edited by Robert Kempt ; with portraits of H.R.H. the late Prince Consort, the Royal Commissioners, the architect, the secretary and the contractors ; an appendix of gossip about the Exhibition, and foreigners' estimate of the English people and English industry ; together with an account of the State Ceremonial of July 11th
Here are entered works on theories and efforts leading toward world-wide or regional political organization of nations --names of individual organizations, e.g. League of Nations
International Federation for Information Processing. / : Advancing research in information and communication technology : IFIP's exciting first 60+ years, views from the Technical Committees and Working Groups / Michael Goedicke, Erich Neuhold, Kai Rannenberg (eds.)