International rivers -- Congresses : Fresh water futures : imagining responses to demand growth, climate change, and the politics of water resource management by 2040 / prepared by the Stimson Center
International rivers -- Eurasia : Our waters : joining hands across borders : first assessment of transboundary rivers, lakes and groundwaters / Economic Commission for Europe
International rivers -- Europe : No one left behind : good practices to ensure equitable access to water and sanitation in the Pan-European region
International rivers -- South Asia : Shared watercourses and water security in South Asia : challenges of negotiating and enforcing treaties / by Salman M.A. Salman and Kishor Uprety
International rivers -- Zambezi River Valley : Implementing international watercourses law through the WEF Nexus and SDG : an integrated approach illustrated in the Zambezi River Basin / Zeray Yihdego, Julie Gibson
International rules for the interpretation of trade terms -- See Incoterms 1990
International schools -- Administration -- Case studies : Raise Her Up Stories and Lessons from Women in International Educational Leadership (a Collection of Inspiring Real Life Stories to Empower Women in International School Leadership Positions)
International situationniste : Guy Debord / Anselm Jappe ; translated by Donald Nicholson-Smith ; with a foreword by T.J. Clark ; and a new afterword by the author