Here are entered works on the process by which economic, cultural, political, and social institutions become integrated worldwideThis heading may be subdivided geographically for works on the occurrence and effects of globalization in specific places --subdivision Globalization under individual languages and groups of languages, e.g. English language--Globalization
Internationalla relationer. : Role theory in international relations : approaches and analyses / edited by Sebastian Harnisch, Cornelia Frank, and Hanns W. Maull
Internationell handel -- miljöaspekter. : International trade and environmental justice : toward a global political ecology / Alf Hornborg and Andrew K. Jorgenson, editors
Internationell politik -- 1945-1989. : After hegemony : cooperation and discord in the world political economy / Robert O. Keohane, with a new preface by the author
Internationell politik -- 1989- : After hegemony : cooperation and discord in the world political economy / Robert O. Keohane, with a new preface by the author
Internationell politik -- historia. : The confidence trap : a history of democracy in crisis from World War I to the present / David Runciman
Internationell politik -- Kina. : The empire's new clothes : cultural particularism and universal value in China's quest for global status / Jeremy Paltiel
Internationell privaträtt. : International commercial litigation / Richard Fentiman, Professor of Private International Law, University of Cambridge, Fellow of Queens' College, Cambridge
Internationell rätt -- genusaspekter. : Feminist perspectives on contemporary international law : between resistance and compliance? / edited by Sari Kouvo and Zoe Pearson