Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that are invasive or surgical in nature, and require the expertise of a specially trained radiologist. In general, they are more invasive than diagnostic imaging but less invasive than major surgery. They often involve catheterization, fluoroscopy, or computed tomography. Some examples include percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography, percutaneous transthoracic biopsy, balloon angioplasty, and arterial embolization
Interventional radiology -- Congresses : Diseases of the abdomen and pelvis 2014-2017 : diagnostic imaging and interventional techniques : 46th International Diagnostic Course in Davos (IDKD), Davos, March 30-April 4, 2014 / presented by the Foundation for the Advancement of Education in Medical Radiology, Zurich ; J. Hodler, R.A. Kubik-Huch, G.K. von Schulthess, Ch. L. Zollikofer (eds.)
Interventional radiology -- Methods -- Cases : Neurovascular anatomy in interventional neuroradiology : a case-based approach / Timo Krings, Sasikhan Geibprasert, Juan Pablo Cruz, Karel G. terBrugge
Interventional radiology Renal artery Congresses : Radiologie interventionnelle des arteres renales / sous la direction de Jean-Paul Beregi ; avec la collaboration des membres de la SFICV et de la SIGU
Interventional radiology Spinal cord Atlases : Atlas of image-guided spinal procedures / editor, Michael B. Furman ; associate editors, Leland Berkwits, Isaac Cohen, Bradly S. Goodman, Jonathan S. Kirschner, Thomas S. Lee, Paul S. Lin
Interventional radiology -- Textbooks : IR playbook : a comprehensive introduction to interventional radiology / Nicole A. Keefe, Ziv J. Haskal, Auh Whan Park, John F. Angle, editors