Intestines -- Diseases -- Atlases : Atlas of intestinal pathology. Volume 1, Neoplastic diseases of the intestines / Hector H. Li-Chang, Richard Kirsch, James Conner, Aysegul Sari, Aaron Pollett, Hala El-Zimaity, Dhanpat Jain, Romulo Celli, Stephanie L. Reid and Robert H. Riddell
Intestines -- Diseases -- Australia. : The history of the intestinal infections (and typhus fever) in Australia 1788-1923 / by J.H.L. Cumpston and F. McCallum
Intestines -- Diseases -- Case studies : Essential medical disorders of the stomach and small intestine : a clinical casebook / Brian E. Lacy, John K. DiBaise, Mark Pimentel, Alexander C. Ford, editors
Intestines -- Diseases -- Surgery -- Atlases : Operative surgery of the colon, rectum, and anus / edited by P. Ronan O'Connell, MD, FRCSI, FRCPS(Glas) FRCS (Edin), Professor of Surgery, University College Dublin, Consultant Surgeon, St. Vincent's University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland, Robert D. Madoff, MD, FACS, FASCRS, FRCSEd(Hon), Stanley M. Goldbert MD, Professesor of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Chief, Division of colon and Rectal Surgery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, Michael J. Solomon, MBBCh(Hons) MSc, FRCSI, FRACS, Clinical Professof of Surgery, University of Sydney, Adademic Head, Department of Colorectal Surgery and Head, Surgical Outcome Research Centre (SOuRCE), Chairman, Instittue of Academic Surgery at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia ; advisory editor Sir Norman S. Williams, MS, FRCS, FMEDSCI, FRCP, FRCP (Edin), FRCA, FDS (Hon), FACS (Hon), FRCSI (Hon), Professor of Surgery, Director of National Centre for Bowel Research and Surgical Innovation, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Honorary Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Barts Health National Centre for Bowel Research and Surgical Innovation, London, UK
Here are entered works on protrusion of internal body structures through connective tissue or the walls of the cavity where they are normally enclosed as well as works specifically on the protrusion of abdominal organs and tissues through the abdominal walls
Intestines -- Imaging : Advances in endoscopy in inflammatory bowel disease / Toshifumi Hibi, Tadakazu Hisamatsu, Taku Kobayashi, editors
Intestines -- Microbiology -- Comic books, strips, etc : Follow Your Gut : a Story from the Microbes That Make You / created by Briony Barr & Gregory Crocetti ; written by Ailsa Wild, with Lisa Stinson ; illustrated by Ben Hutchings