Islam -- Balkan Peninsula -- 2012 : The North Caucasus : the challenges of integration (II), Islam, the insurgency and counter-insurgency : executive summary / International Crisis Group (ICG)
Islam -- Balkan Peninsula -- Congresses : Widmo Mahometa, cień Samuela : cesarstwo bizantyńskie w relacji z przedstawicielami innych religii i kultur (VII-XV wiek) / redakcja Zofia A. Brzozowska, Mirosław J. Leszka, Kirił Marinow, Teresa Wolińska
Islam Banks and banking Iran Religious aspects : Monetary operations and government debt management under Islamic banking / prepared by V. Sundararajan, David Marston, and Ghiath Shabsigh
Islam Banks and banking Sudan Religious aspects : Monetary operations and government debt management under Islamic banking / prepared by V. Sundararajan, David Marston, and Ghiath Shabsigh
Islam Banques Aspect religieux : The renewal of Islamic law : Muhammad Baqer as-Sadr, Najaf, and the Shi'i International / Chibli Mallat
Islam Buddhism Relations Congresses : Islam and the state in Myanmar : Muslim-Buddhist relations and the politics of belonging / edited by Melissa Crouch
Islam Business Religious aspects Congresses : Islamic perspectives relating to business, arts, culture and communication : proceedings of the 1st ICIBACC 2014 / Roaimah Omar, Hasan Bahrom, Geraldine de Mello, editors
Islam -- Cambodia : Cambodia's Muslims and the Malay world : Malay language, Jawi script, and Islamic factionalism from the 19th century to the present / by Philipp Bruckmayr