Islam -- History -- 18th century : Realizing Islam, Sustainable History Monograph Pilot OA Edition : the Tijaniyya in North Africa and the Eighteenth-Century Muslim World / Zachary Valentine Wright
Islam -- history -- Africa, Northern : Infectious ideas : contagion in premodern Islamic and Christian thought in the Western Mediterranean / Justin K. Stearns
Islam -- History -- Miscellanea : Books and Written Culture of the Islamic World : Studies Presented to Claude Gilliot on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday = Islamicae litterae scripta : Claudio Gilliot septuagesimum quintum diem natalem celebranti dicata / edited by Andrew Rippin and Roberto Tottoli
Islam -- history -- Portugal : Infectious ideas : contagion in premodern Islamic and Christian thought in the Western Mediterranean / Justin K. Stearns
Islam -- History -- Sources. : The Muslim world 1100-1700 : early sources on Middle East history, geography and travel / edited by Hiroyuki Mashita
Islam -- history -- Spain : Infectious ideas : contagion in premodern Islamic and Christian thought in the Western Mediterranean / Justin K. Stearns
Islam -- History -- Study and teaching : Parlare di ISIS ai bambini / Alberto Pellai, Edgar Morin, Riccardo Mazzeo e Marco Montanari ; a cura di Dario Ianes
Islam Hof Geschichte Mittelalter : Court cultures in the Muslim world : seventh to nineteenth centuries / edited by Albrecht Fuess and Jan-Peter Hartung
Islam Hof Geschichte Neuzeit : Court cultures in the Muslim world : seventh to nineteenth centuries / edited by Albrecht Fuess and Jan-Peter Hartung
Islam Human rights Religious aspects Congresses : Justice and rights : Christian and Muslim perspectives : a record of the fifth "Building bridges" seminar held in Washington, D.C., March 27-30, 2006 / edited by Michael Ipgrave