Islam Militarism Religious aspects : Islamic militant activism in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany : "Islands in a Sea of Disbelief" / Martijn de Koning, Carmen Becker, Ineke Roex
Islam Military chaplains : For God and country : faith and patriotism under fire / by James Yee ; with Aimee Molloy
Islam -- Missions -- Europe : The Ahmadiyya quest for religious progress : missionizing Europe 1900-1965 / by Gerdien Jonker
Islam -- Missions -- History : Da'wa : A Global History of Islamic Missionary Thought and Practice / Matthew J. Kuiper
Islam -- Missions -- India -- History : Da'wa and Other Religions : Indian Muslims and the Modern Resurgence of Global Islamic Activism / Matthew Kuiper
Islam Moderation Religious aspects : The middle path of moderation in Islam : the Qur'ānic principle of wasaṭiyyah / Mohammad Hashim Kamali ; foreword by Tiriq Ramadan
Islam Monetary policy Iran Religious aspects : Monetary operations and government debt management under Islamic banking / prepared by V. Sundararajan, David Marston, and Ghiath Shabsigh
Islam Monetary policy Sudan Religious aspects : Monetary operations and government debt management under Islamic banking / prepared by V. Sundararajan, David Marston, and Ghiath Shabsigh
Islam -- Morocco -- Middle Atlas Mountains. : The victim and its masks : an essay on sacrifice and masquerade in the Maghreb / Abdellah Hammoudi ; translated by Paula Wissing
Islam Muslim pilgrims and pilgrimages : Raise Your Voices and Kill Your Animals : Islamic Discourses on the Idd el-Hajj and Sacrifices in Tanga (Tanzania)
Islam Muslim women : Iraqi women in Denmark : ritual performance and belonging in everyday life / Marianne Holm Pedersen
Islam, Muzharul. : An architecture of independence : the making of Modern South Asia : Charles Correa, Balkrishna Doshi, Muzharul Islam, Achyut Kanvinde / edited by Kazi Khaleed Ashraf and James Belluardo ; introduction by Kenneth Frampton
Islam Mysticism Asia, Central : Thus spake the dervish : Sufism, language, and the religious margins in Central Asia, 1400-1900 / by Alexandre Papas ; translated by Caroline Kraabel
Islam Mysticism Early works to 1800 : A treatise on mystical love / Abū ʻl-Ḥasan ʻAlī b. Muḥammad al-Daylamī ; translated by Joseph Norment Bell and Hassan Mahmood Abdul-Latif el-Shafie