Islamic Empire Humanism : The rise of humanism in classical Islam and the Christian West : with special reference to scholasticism / George Makdisi
Islamic Empire Ibn Jubayr, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, 1145-1217 Travel : The travels of Ibn Jubayr : being the chronicle of a medieval Spanish Moor concerning his journey to the Egypt of Saladin, the holy cities of Arabia, Baghdad the City of the Caliphs, the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, and the Norman Kingdom of Sicily / translated from the original Arabic by R.J.C. Broadhurst with a introduction and notes
Islamic Empire Illumination of books and manuscripts : Les périples de Kalila et Dimna : quand les fables voyagent dans la littérature et les arts du monde islamique = The journeys of Kalila and Dimna : fables in the literature and arts of the Islamic world / edité par = edited by Eloïse Brac de la Perrière, Aïda El Khiari, Annie Vernay-Nouri
Islamic Empire Interpersonal relations History : Mechanisms of social dependency in the Islamic Empire / edited by Edmund Hayes, Leiden University ; Petra M. Sijpesteijn, Leiden University
Islamic Empire Islam and politics : The companions of the prophet : a study of geographical distribution and political alignments / by Fuʼad Jabali
Islamic Empire Jews Social life and customs : A Mediterranean society : the Jewish communities of the Arab world as portrayed in the documents of the Cairo Geniza / S.D. Goitein