Islamic Empire Poets, Arab Biography Early works to 1800 : Prominent murder victims of the pre- and early Islamic periods including the names of murdered poets / by Muḥammad Ibn Ḥabīb (d. AH 245/AD 860) ; introduced, edited, translated from the Arabic, and annotated by Geert Jan van Gelder
Islamic Empire Political science Encyclopedias : The Princeton encyclopedia of Islamic political thought / editor, Gerhard Bowering ; associate editors, Patricia Crone [and others] ; assistant editor, Mahan Mirza
Islamic Empire -- Relations -- Armenia : The Armenians in the medieval Islamic world : paradigms of interaction : seventh to fourteenth centuries. Vol. 1, The Arab period in Arminyah, seventh to eleventh centuries / Seta B. Dadoyan
Islamic Empire -- Relations -- Europe -- Congresses : Islam and the Medieval West : aspects of intercultural relations : papers presented at the ninth annual conference of the Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton / edited by Khalil I. Semaan ; contributors, Claude Cahen [and others]
Islamic Empire Rites and ceremonies : In the presence of power : court and performance in the pre-modern Middle East / edited by Maurice A. Pomerantz and Evelyn Birge Vitz
Islamic Empire Salons : Arabic literary salons in the Islamic Middle Ages : poetry, public performance, and the presentation of the past / Samer M. Ali
Islamic Empire Science : Avicenna's Theory of Science : Logic, Metaphysics, Epistemology / Riccardo Strobino
Islamic Empire -- Social life and customs -- Sources : Chrestomathie de papyrologie Arabe : documents relatifs à la vie privée, sociale, et administrative dans les premiers siécles islamiques / préparée par Adolf Grohmann, retraivaillée et élargie par Raif Georges Khoury