Islamic Empire -- Armed Forces : The Byzantine and early Islamic Near East. Volume 3, States, resources and armies / edited by Averil Cameron
Islamic Empire Armenia Relations : The Armenians in the medieval Islamic world : paradigms of interaction : seventh to fourteenth centuries. Vol. 1, The Arab period in Arminyah, seventh to eleventh centuries / Seta B. Dadoyan
Islamic Empire Armenians History : The Armenians in the medieval Islamic world : paradigms of interaction : seventh to fourteenth centuries. Vol. 1, The Arab period in Arminyah, seventh to eleventh centuries / Seta B. Dadoyan
Islamic Empire -- Biography -- Early works to 1800 : Prominent murder victims of the pre- and early Islamic periods including the names of murdered poets / by Muḥammad Ibn Ḥabīb (d. AH 245/AD 860) ; introduced, edited, translated from the Arabic, and annotated by Geert Jan van Gelder
Islamic Empire Block printing : Enigmatic charms : medieval Arabic block printed amulets in American and European libraries and museums / by Karl R. Schaefer
Islamic Empire Book industries and trade : The Arabic book / Johannes Pedersen ; translated by Geoffrey French ; edited with an introduction by Robert Hillenbrand
Islamic Empire -- Courts and courtiers : In the presence of power : court and performance in the pre-modern Middle East / edited by Maurice A. Pomerantz and Evelyn Birge Vitz
Islamic Empire Criticism : Literary Criticism in Medieval Arabic Islamic Culture : The Making of a Tradition / Wen-chin Ouyang
Islamic Empire Critics Biography : Literary Criticism in Medieval Arabic Islamic Culture : The Making of a Tradition / Wen-chin Ouyang
Islamic Empire -- Description and travel. : The travels of Ibn Jubayr : being the chronicle of a medieval Spanish Moor concerning his journey to the Egypt of Saladin, the holy cities of Arabia, Baghdad the City of the Caliphs, the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, and the Norman Kingdom of Sicily / translated from the original Arabic by R.J.C. Broadhurst with a introduction and notes