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Islands of the Pacific Leadership : Leadership and change in the Western Pacific : essays presented to Sir Raymond Firth on the occasion of his ninetieth birthday / edited by Richard Feinberg, Karen Ann Watson-Gegeo  1996 1
Islands of the Pacific -- Literary collections   3
Islands of the Pacific Mammals   2
Islands of the Pacific Mammals Identification : Mammals of the South-West Pacific / Tyrone Lavery, Tim Flannery  2023 1
Islands of the Pacific -- Maps.   5
Islands of the Pacific -- Maps -- Juvenile literature. : Map book of the Pacific Islands / by A.W. Reed ; maps by Lionel Forsdyke  1969 1
Islands of the Pacific Market surveys   7
Islands of the Pacific Marriage : Sex, marriage and the family in the Pacific. : Report ... ... .  1969 1
Islands of the Pacific Marriage age : The estimation of levels and trends in age at first birth and age at first marriage in the Pacific Islands / Heather Booth  1994 1
Islands of the Pacific Mass media and the environment : Participatory Media in Environmental Communication : Engaging Communities in the Periphery  2018 1
Islands of the Pacific Material culture : Discovering Cook's collections / edited by Michelle Hetherington and Howard Morphy  2009 1
Islands of the Pacific Medical care : Regional health issues jointly affecting Australia and the South Pacific : report of the Australian Parliamentary Committee Delegation to Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands / House of Representatives, Standing Committee on Health and Ageing  2010 1
Islands of the Pacific Methodist Church History : The first century : the missionary adventure of Australasian Methodism, 1855-1955 / by J.W. Burton  1955 1
Islands of the Pacific Methodist Church Missions : The black knight of the Pacific / by C. Brunsdon Fletcher  1944 1
Islands of the Pacific Methodist Church of Australasia Missions : The black knight of the Pacific / by C. Brunsdon Fletcher  1944 1
Islands of the Pacific Militarism   2
Islands of the Pacific Militarism Environmental aspects   2
Islands of the Pacific Military geography Handbooks, manuals, etc : Pacific Islands / [by J. W. Davidson and others]  1943- 1
Islands of the Pacific Mines and mineral resources Government policy : Resource extraction and contentious states : mining and the politics of scale in the Pacific Islands / Matthew G. Allen  2018 1
Islands of the Pacific Mines and mineral resources History : Resource extraction and contentious states : mining and the politics of scale in the Pacific Islands / Matthew G. Allen  2018 1
Islands of the Pacific Mines and mineral resources Political aspects : Resource extraction and contentious states : mining and the politics of scale in the Pacific Islands / Matthew G. Allen  2018 1
Islands of the Pacific Missionaries : Missionaries and annexation in the Pacific / by K.L.P. Martin  1924 1
Islands of the Pacific Missionaries Biography   2
Islands of the Pacific Missions   16
Islands of the Pacific Missions, British : Missionary survey of the Pacific islands / by J.W. Burton  1930 1
Islands of the Pacific Missions History   5
Islands of the Pacific Monetary policy : The Pacific islander and modern commerce  1954 1
Islands of the Pacific Monetary policy Econometric models : Global commodity prices, monetary transmission, and exchange rate pass-through in the Pacific Islands / prepared by Shanaka J. Peiri and Ding Ding  2012 1
Islands of the Pacific Monetary unions   2
Islands of the Pacific Money   2
Islands of the Pacific Money laundering : Financial sector regulation and supervision : the case of small Pacific island countries / Klaus-Walter Riechel  2001 1
Islands of the Pacific Mortality History : Epidemiology and the Pacific labor trade / by Ralph Shlomowitz  1987 1
Islands of the Pacific Mutton industry : Cheap meat : flap food nations in the pacific islands / Deborah Gewertz and Frederick Errington  2010 1
Islands of the Pacific -- Native races   3
Islands of the Pacific Natural disasters : Final report of Australia's Coordination Committee for IDNDR (1999-2000)  1999 1
Islands of the Pacific Natural disasters Economic aspects : Fiscal buffers for natural disasters in Pacific island countries / By Hidetaka Nishizawa, Scott Roger, and Huan Zhang  2019 1
Islands of the Pacific Natural history   2
Islands of the Pacific Natural resources : Resource extraction and contentious states : mining and the politics of scale in the Pacific Islands / Matthew G. Allen  2018 1
Islands of the Pacific Nature Effect of human beings on : Salish Archipelago : environment and society in the islands within and adjacent to the Salish Sea / edited by Moshe Rapaport  2024 1
Islands of the Pacific Navigation   4
Islands of the Pacific New Zealand Relations : Pacific neighbours : New Zealand's relations with other Pacific islands = Aotearoa me nga moutere o te Moana Nui a Kiwa / Ron Crocombe  1992 1
Islands of the Pacific Nuclear-weapon-free zones   2
Islands of the Pacific Nutrition   2
Islands of the Pacific Nutrition policy : Guiding policy change to reduce diet-related disease in the Pacific / by Wendy Snowdon  2009 1
Islands of the Pacific Nutritional anthropology : Cheap meat : flap food nations in the pacific islands / Deborah Gewertz and Frederick Errington  2010 1
Islands of the Pacific ocial archaeology : THEORY IN THE PACIFIC, THE PACIFIC IN THEORY archaeological perspective  2018 1
Islands of the Pacific Odor control Periodicals : Air fresheners in Asia-Pacific (Online)  2004- 1
Islands of the Pacific Orchids Identification : A complete guide to native orchids of Australia, including the island territories / David L. Jones ; line drawings by David L. Jones  2006 1
Islands of the Pacific Pacific Ocean   171
Islands of the Pacific Paleoanthropology : The Routledge handbook of bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands / edited by Marc Oxenham and Hallie R. Buckley  2016 1
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