Italy Abused children Rome Drama : Sciuscià = Shoeshine / written by Sergio Amidei, Adolfo Franci, Cesare G. Viola, Cesare Zavattini ; directed by Vittorio De Sica ; produced by Paolo W. Tamburella
Italy Abused wives Parma : Sheltering women : negotiating gender and violence in northern Italy / Sonja Plesset
Italy Accounting Standards : Italy : financial sector assessment program : detailed assessment of observance of the IMF code of good practices on transparency in monetary and financial policies : securities regulation / [International Monetary Fund, Monetary and Financial Systems Dept.]
Italy Actors, Black Employment : Blaxploitalian : 100 years of blackness in Italian cinema / Do the Right Films Entertainment ; a film by Fred Kudjo Kuwornu ; producers, Kalon Jackson, Elliott "Lee" Cowart, Curtis Caesar John, Fred Kudjo Kuwornu
Italy Actors, Black Interviews : Blaxploitalian : 100 years of blackness in Italian cinema / Do the Right Films Entertainment ; a film by Fred Kudjo Kuwornu ; producers, Kalon Jackson, Elliott "Lee" Cowart, Curtis Caesar John, Fred Kudjo Kuwornu
Italy Administrative law Case studies : The changing administrative law of an EU member state : the Italian case / Domenico Sorace, Leonardo Ferrara, Ippolito Piazza, editors
Italy Administrative responsibility : Potere pubblico, rapporto amministrativo e responsabilita della p.a : l'interesse legittimo ritrovato / Gianmarco Poli ; prefazione di Paolo Urbani