Japan -- Commerce -- New Zealand : Government, international trade and laissez-faire capitalism : Canada, Australia, and New Zealand's relations with Japan / Carin Holroyd
Japan Commercial art History 20th century : Japanese modern : graphic design between the wars / [text by] James Fraser, [edited by] Steven Heller, [art direction] Seymour Chwast
Japan Commercial crimes : Soshiki fushōji kenkyū : soshiki fushōji o hikiokosu senzaiteki gen'in no kaimei / Higuchi Haruhiko cho = Study on latent causes of organizational misconducts / Haruhiko Higuchi
Japan -- Commercial policy -- Congresses. : The political economy of trade conflicts : the management of trade relations in the US-EU-Japan triad / Franz Waldenberger (ed.) ; with 7 figures
Japan -- Commercial policy -- Decision making : Domestic politics and international relations in US-Japan trade policymaking : the GATT Uruguay Round agricultural negotiations / Christopher C. Meyerson
Japan Committee for Economic Development -- See Keizai Dōyūkai
Japan Commons : Local commons and democratic environmental governance / edited by Takeshi Murota and Ken Takeshita
Japan Commons Niigata-ken History : Cultivating commons : joint ownership of arable land in early modern Japan / Philip C. Brown ; cover design by Julie Matsuo-Chun
Japan Commonwealth countries Foreign relations : The British Commonwealth and the Allied occupation of Japan, 1945-1952 : personal encounters and government assessments / edited by Ian Nish
Japan Communicable diseases : Current topics of infectious diseases in Japan and Asia / K. Tanaka, Y. Niki, A. Kokaze (eds.)
Japan Communication and culture Exhibitions : Art of the Japanese postcard : the Leonard A. Lauder Collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston / essays by Anne Nishimura Morse, J. Thomas Rimer and Kendall H. Brown