Järnåldern -- Europa. : Interweaving worlds : systemic interactions in Eurasia, 7th to 1st millennia BC : Papers from a conference in memory of Professor Andrew Sherratt, What Would a Bronze Age World System Look Like? World systems approaches to Europe and western Asia 4th to 1st millenia BC / editors, Toby C. Wilkinson, Susan Sherratt and John Bennet
Järnvägsbyggnad : Design and Construction of Pavements and Rail Tracks : Geotechnical Aspects and Processed Materials / edited by Antonio Gomes Correia, Yoshitsugu Momoya and Fumio Tatsuoka
Jarosz, Maria : Bearing witness : a personal perspective on sixty years of Polish history / Maria Jarosz ; translated by Steven Stoltenberg and Grzegorz Siwicki
Jarr, Alfredo : Art 21 : art in the twenty-first century : season four / series created by Susan Sollins and Susan Dowling
Jarrah. : Western Australian hard woods and their uses for street paving, engineering and other purposes, with reports and returns / issued from the Western Australian Agency, ... under the instructions of the Hon. H.Bruce Lefroy
Jarrah dieback. : Vegetation patterns in the northern jarrah forest of Western Australia in relation to dieback history and the current distribution of Phytophthora cinnamomi / by Keith L. McDougall
Jarrah dieback -- Australia -- Gippsland (Vic.) : Long-term growth of Phytophthora cinnamomi-tolerant species of eucalypts planted on sites of varying dieback hazard in Gippsland / M. Lutze
Jarrah Diseases and pests -- See Also the narrower term Jarrah dieback
Jarrah -- Diseases and pests. : Jarrah dieback - soil temperature and moisture regimes of some southern forest types / by P. Christensen