Judaism -- Mediterranean Region : Sharing sacred spaces in the Mediterranean : Christians, Muslims, and Jews at shrines and sanctuaries / edited by Dionigi Albera and Maria Couroucli
Judaism -- Mediterranean Region -- History : Group survival in the ancient Mediterranean : rethinking material conditions in the landscape of Jews and Christians / Richard Last and Philip A. Harland
Here are entered works on the modern religious movement that holds that it is possible to identify completely with Jewish culture and religion and to believe that Jesus is the Messiah. Works on various movements throughout Jewish history that strive for an independent political existence of the Jewish people under a Davidic leader and world-wide renewal are entered under Jewish messianic movements
Judaism -- Middle East -- History -- Congresses : Jewish cultural encounters in the ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern world / edited by Mladen Popovic, Myles Schoonover, Marijn Vandenberghe
Judaism Military chaplains : The fighting rabbis : Jewish military chaplains and American history / Albert Isaac Slomovitz
Judaism Mothers and sons Religious aspects : Holiness and transgression : mothers of the messiah in the Jewish myth / Ruth Kara-Ivanov Kaniel, translated by Eugene D. Matanky with Ruth Kara-Ivanov Kanie
Judaism Mysticism History 20th century : Imagery Techniques in Modern Jewish Mysticism / Daniel Reiser ; translated by Eugene D. Matanky with Daniel Reiser
Judaism Mysticism Psychology : Ultimate intimacy : the psychodynamics of Jewish mysticism / Mortimer Ostow ; with contributions by Jacob A. Arlow [and others]