Jugendhilfeplanung : Who cares for America's children? : child care policy for the 1990s / Cheryl D. Hayes, John L. Palmer, and Martha J. Zaslow, editors ; Panel on Child Care Policy, Committee on Child Development Research and Public Policy, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council
Jugendliche Drogenkonsumenten : Jugend und Sucht - Analysen und Auswege : Patientenprofile und Empfehlungen Für Die Pädagogisch-Therapeutische Behandlung in Psychiatrie und Jugendhilfe
Jugendlicher Arbeitnehmer : Job skills and minority youth : new program directions / Barton J. Hirsch
Jugendlicher Flüchtling : Mental health practice with immigrant and refugee youth : a socioecological framework / B. Heidi Ellis, Saida M. Abdi, and Jeffrey P. Winer
Jugendmedizin : Adolescent health care : a practical guide / editor-in-chief, Lawrence S. Neinstein ; associate editors, Catherine M. Gordon [and others]
Jugendpfleger : The occupational experience of residential child and youth care workers : caring and its discontents / Mordecai Arieli
Jugendprotest : A European youth revolt : European perspectives on youth protest and social movements in the 1980s / edited by Knud Andresen and Bart van der Steen
Juges -- Attitudes. : The psychology of the Supreme Court / Lawrence S. Wrightsman
Juges -- Discipline -- Etudes comparatives. : Judicial misconduct : a cross-national comparison / by Mary L. Volcansek with Maria Elisabetta de Franciscis and Jacqueline Lucienne Lafon