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Kallmann Syndrome : Abnormalities in puberty : scientific and clinical advances / volume editor, Henriette Delemarre-Van de Waal  2005 1

Kallmann Syndrome 1 -- See Kallmann Syndrome

A genetically heterogeneous disorder caused by hypothalamic GNRH deficiency and OLFACTORY NERVE defects. It is characterized by congenital HYPOGONADOTROPIC HYPOGONADISM and ANOSMIA, possibly with additional midline defects. It can be transmitted as an X-linked (GENETIC DISEASES, X-LINKED), an autosomal dominant, or an autosomal recessive trait

Kallmann Syndrome 2 -- See Kallmann Syndrome

A genetically heterogeneous disorder caused by hypothalamic GNRH deficiency and OLFACTORY NERVE defects. It is characterized by congenital HYPOGONADOTROPIC HYPOGONADISM and ANOSMIA, possibly with additional midline defects. It can be transmitted as an X-linked (GENETIC DISEASES, X-LINKED), an autosomal dominant, or an autosomal recessive trait

Kallmann Syndrome 3 -- See Kallmann Syndrome

A genetically heterogeneous disorder caused by hypothalamic GNRH deficiency and OLFACTORY NERVE defects. It is characterized by congenital HYPOGONADOTROPIC HYPOGONADISM and ANOSMIA, possibly with additional midline defects. It can be transmitted as an X-linked (GENETIC DISEASES, X-LINKED), an autosomal dominant, or an autosomal recessive trait
Kallmann Syndrome -- genetics : Kallmann syndrome and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism / volume editor, Richard Quinton  2010 1

Kallmann Syndrome, Type 1, X-linked -- See Kallmann Syndrome

A genetically heterogeneous disorder caused by hypothalamic GNRH deficiency and OLFACTORY NERVE defects. It is characterized by congenital HYPOGONADOTROPIC HYPOGONADISM and ANOSMIA, possibly with additional midline defects. It can be transmitted as an X-linked (GENETIC DISEASES, X-LINKED), an autosomal dominant, or an autosomal recessive trait

Kallmann Syndrome, Type 3, Recessive -- See Kallmann Syndrome

A genetically heterogeneous disorder caused by hypothalamic GNRH deficiency and OLFACTORY NERVE defects. It is characterized by congenital HYPOGONADOTROPIC HYPOGONADISM and ANOSMIA, possibly with additional midline defects. It can be transmitted as an X-linked (GENETIC DISEASES, X-LINKED), an autosomal dominant, or an autosomal recessive trait

Kallmann's Syndrome -- See Kallmann Syndrome

A genetically heterogeneous disorder caused by hypothalamic GNRH deficiency and OLFACTORY NERVE defects. It is characterized by congenital HYPOGONADOTROPIC HYPOGONADISM and ANOSMIA, possibly with additional midline defects. It can be transmitted as an X-linked (GENETIC DISEASES, X-LINKED), an autosomal dominant, or an autosomal recessive trait

Kallmus, Dora, 1881-1963 -- See Ora, Madame d', 1881-1963


Kallmus, Dora Philippine, 1881-1963 -- See Ora, Madame d', 1881-1963


Kallo, Zhak, 1592-1635 -- See Callot, Jacques, 1592-1635


Kalloch, I. S. (Isaac Smith), 1832-1890 -- See Kalloch, Isaac, 1831-1887

Kalloch, Isaac, 1831-1887 -- Trials, litigation, etc : Only full report of the trial of Rev. I.S. Kalloch on charge of adultery : complete history of the affair, doings of the church, Kalloch's pulpit defence, arrest, arraignment, trial and result, with accurate portraits of Kalloch and the beautiful lady in black and the lecture room of the Lechmere  1857 1
källor Amerikansk konst historia : American art to 1900 : a documentary history / Sarah Burns and John Davis  2009 1
källor Athen historia : Augustan and Julio-Claudian Athens : a new epigraphy and prosopography / by Geoffrey C.R. Schmalz  2009 1
källor Bamberg historia : Rewriting Roman history in the Middle Ages : the 'Historia Romana' and the Manuscript Bamberg, Hist. 3 / Marek Thue Kretschmer  2007 1
källor Europa intellektuellt liv historia : Locations of knowledge in medieval and early modern Europe : esoteric discourse and Western identities / by Kocku von Stuckrad  2010 1
källor Europeiska unionen relationer Kina : The European Union and China, 1949-2008 : basic documents and commentary / Francis Snyder  2009 1
källor Festivaler historia Grekland antiken : The Greek theatre and festivals : documentary studies / edited by Peter Wilson  2007 1
källor Kina relationer Europeiska unionen : The European Union and China, 1949-2008 : basic documents and commentary / Francis Snyder  2009 1
källor Kvinnor och Romersk-katolska kyrkan historia 1500-talet : Strong women : life, text, and territory, 1347-1645 / David Wallace  2011 1
källor Kvinnor och Romersk-katolska kyrkan historia före 1500 : Strong women : life, text, and territory, 1347-1645 / David Wallace  2011 1
källor Mandylion : The image of Edessa / by Mark Guscin  2009 1
källor Östersjöländerna internationella relationer historia 1450-1800 : Baltic connections : archival guide to the maritime relations of the countries around the Baltic Sea (including the Netherlands) 1450-1800 / edited by Lennart Bes, Edda Frankot and Hanno Brand  2007 1
källor Paris intellektuellt liv 1300-talet konferenser : Philosophical debates at Paris in the early fourteenth century / edited by Stephen F. Brown, Thomas Dewender and Theo Kobusch  2009 1
källor Rättshistoria Nordeuropa medeltiden : Mittelalterliches nordisches Recht bis 1500 : eine Quellenkunde / Dieter Strauch  2011 1
källor Rättshistoria Sverige medeltiden : Mittelalterliches nordisches Recht bis 1500 : eine Quellenkunde / Dieter Strauch  2011 1
källor Rom historia verk före 1800 : Rewriting Roman history in the Middle Ages : the 'Historia Romana' and the Manuscript Bamberg, Hist. 3 / Marek Thue Kretschmer  2007 1
källor Rom historiografi historia : Rewriting Roman history in the Middle Ages : the 'Historia Romana' and the Manuscript Bamberg, Hist. 3 / Marek Thue Kretschmer  2007 1
källor Teater historia Grekland antiken : The Greek theatre and festivals : documentary studies / edited by Peter Wilson  2007 1
Kalman family. : A Jewish family in Germany today : an intimate portrait / Y. Michal Bodemann  2005 1
Kalman-Filter   4
Kalman filtering.   57
Kalman filtering -- Data processing : Introduction to random signals and applied Kalman filtering : with MATLAB exercises / Robert Grover Brown, Patrick Y.C. Hwang  2012 1
Kalman filtering -- Textbooks : A Kalman Filter Primer  2005 1
Kalman-filters.   3
Kalman, Filtrado de   2
Kalman, filtrage de. : Forecasting, structural time series models, and the Kalman filter / Andrew Harvey  1989 1
Kálmán, King of Galicia, 1208-1241.   3

Kalman Steel Corp -- See Also Bethlehem Steel Corporation

Kalman, Tibor. : Tibor Kalman : perverse optimist / edited by Peter Hall and Michael Bierut ; essays by Kurt Andersen, Steven Heller, and Rick Poynor ; contributions by Paola Antonelli ... [and others]  1998 1
Kalmanovitch, Zelig, 1885-1944. : The tragedy of a generation : the rise and fall of Jewish nationalism in Eastern Europe / Joshua M. Karlip  2013 1

Ḳalmanoṿiṭsh, Z. (Zeliḳ), 1885-1944 -- See Kalmanovitch, Zelig, 1885-1944


Ḳalmanoṿiṭsh, Zeliḳ, 1885-1944 -- See Kalmanovitch, Zelig, 1885-1944

Kalmar Chinese Sweden : Chinatown : an attempt at globalization in Sweden  2011 1
Kalmar Globalization Sweden : Chinatown : an attempt at globalization in Sweden  2011 1
Kalmar, Rudolf, 1900-1974 -- Musical settings : --Und nicht vergessen  1993 1
Kalmar, Union of, 1397.   2
Kalmarer Union : Queen Margrete I, 1353-1412, and the founding of the Nordic Union / by Vivian Etting  2004 1

Kalmata (Greece) -- See Kalamata (Greece)

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