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Book Cover
Author O'Regan, Tipene, author

Title New myths and old politics : the Waitangi Tribunal and the challenge of tradition / Tipene O'Regan
Published Wellington : Bridget Williams Books, 2014


Description 1 online resource
Series BWB Texts
BWB texts.
Summary "Negotiating a claim before the Waitangi Tribunal can involve troubling challenges to an iwi's legitimacy, sometimes from unexpected places. In this unique behind-the-scenes account of the negotiation of Ngāi Tahu's Waitangi Tribunal claim, Sir Tipene O'Regan describes what happened when claims of New Age mysticism attempted to undermine traditional whakapapa and academic scholarship"--Publisher information
Notes Archived by the National Library of New Zealand in EPUB. Nz
Hypertext links contained in the archived instances of this title may not be functional. Nz
Subject New Zealand. Waitangi Tribunal.
New Zealand. Waitangi Tribunal
Kāi Tahu (New Zealand people) -- Claims
Kāi Tahu (New Zealand people)
Kerēme (Tiriti o Waitangi)
Whenua tautohetohe.
Genre/Form Claims
Form Electronic book
ISBN 9781927131992