Kerguelen Islands Botany : Lecture on insular floras : delivered before the British Association for the Advancement of Science at Nottingham, August 27, 1866 / by Sir J.D. Hooker
Kerinaiua, Gerardine : Kwork kwork : the green frog and other tales from the Spirit Time
Kerinaiua, Leah : Kwork kwork : the green frog and other tales from the Spirit Time
Kerinaiua, Maree : Kwork kwork : the green frog and other tales from the Spirit Time
Kerinci : The politics of species : reshaping our relationships with other animals / edited by R. Corbey, Tilburg University and Leiden University, the Netherlands and A. Lanjouw, Arcus Foundation
Kerkh, Tell el- (Syria) : The neolithic cemetery at Tell el-Kerkh / edited by Akira Tsuneki, Naoki Hironaga and Sari Jammo ; with contributions by Sean P. Dougherty ... [and five others]
Kerkinterieurs. : Buildings, faith, and worship : the liturgical arrangement of Anglican churches, 1600-1900 / Nigel Yates
Kerkira <2010> : Privacy in statistical databases : UNESCO chair in data privacy, international conference, PSD 2010, Corfu, Greece, September 22-24, 2010 : proceedings / Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Emmanouil Magkos (eds.)
Kerkordes. : Gemeindeordnung und Kirchenzucht : Johannes a Lascos Kirchenordnung für London (1555) und die reformierte Konfessionsbildung / von Judith Becker
Kerkvoogdijen. : Unwelcome Americans : living on the margin in early New England / Ruth Wallis Herndon
Kerkyra Composers Greece Biography : Nikolaos Mantzaros and the emergene of a Greek composer / by Konstantinos Kardamis ; translated by Vera Konidari and Richard Pine
Kerkyra Evil eye Greece : Evil eye in Christian Orthodox society : a journey from envy to personhood / Nikolaos Souvlakis