A plant genus of the family CELASTRACEAE. The leafy stems of khat are chewed by some individuals for stimulating effect. Members contain ((+)-norpseudoephedrine), cathionine, cathedulin, cathinine & cathidine
Khat -- Social aspects : Drug Effects : Khat in Biocultural and Socioeconomic Perspective
Khat -- Therapeutic use : Cannabis and khat in drug discovery : the discovery pipeline and the endocannabinoid system / edited by Andrew G. Mtewa [and more]
Khat -- Uganda : Ethnic identity and development : khat and social change in Africa / Susan Beckerleg
A plant genus of the family CELASTRACEAE. The leafy stems of khat are chewed by some individuals for stimulating effect. Members contain ((+)-norpseudoephedrine), cathionine, cathedulin, cathinine & cathidine