King, Stephen, 1947- Dark tower. : Literary newsmakers for students. Volume 1 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on newsmaking novels, nonfiction, and poetry / Anne Marie Hacht, editor ; foreword by Greg Wilson
King, Stephen, 1947- Girl who loved Tom Gordon : Children's literature review. Volume 124 : excerpts from reviews, criticism, and commentary on books for children and young people / Tom Burns, project editor
King, Stephen, 1947- Man in the black suit : Short stories for students. Volume 45 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied short stories / Kristin B. Mallegg, project editor
King, Stephen, 1947- Sorry, right number : Short stories for students. Volume 30 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied short stories / Sara Constantakis, project editor
King, Thomas Worthington, 1820-1851 -- Travel : Journal of a voyage around the world : a year on the ship Helena (1842-1842) / Thomas Worthington King ; text transcribed by Carol Farrington Jopling ; edited by Steven E. Kagle
King, Tracy (Writer) : Learning to think. : a memoir about finding a way to break free / by Tracy King