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Title Something about the author. Volume 150 : facts and pictures about authors and illustrators of books for young people / Lisa Kumar, project editor
Published Detroit, Mich. : Gale, [2004]
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Description 1 online resource
Series Gale virtual reference library
Gale virtual reference library.
Contents Charlotte Agell -- Linda Ashman -- Debby Atwell -- Miriam Bat-Ami -- Jutta Bauer -- Martyn R. Beardsley -- Constance Brissenden -- Betty (Carter) Brock -- Kevin M. Brooks -- Laurent de Brunhoff -- Thomas E. Burn (Ted Burn) -- Christopher Canyon -- Mary Kay Carson -- Marsha Wilson Chall -- Lynne F(erguson) Chapman -- Peter Zachary Cohen -- Fifi E. Colston -- Anne Cottringer -- K(athryn) L(ynne) Darnell -- Nicola Davies -- Carl Deuker -- David Diaz -- Peter (Malcolm de Brissac) Dickinson -- Dayle Ann Dodds -- Jean Alicia Elster -- Charles Philip Fox -- Betsy Franco -- Debra Friedman -- Brian Froud -- Eugene M. Gagliano -- Tyrone Geter -- Andrew Glass -- Bernice Gold -- Theresa Martin Golding -- Carol Gorman -- Theodore Mark Gottfried -- Elaine Greenstein -- David L(ee) Harrison -- Susan Kathleen Hartung -- Kevin (Cliff) Hawkes -- Sue Heap -- (Nancy) Eileen Heyes -- Mat Hoffman -- Francine Jacobs -- Angela Johnson -- Diana Kidd -- Kathleen Kudlinski -- Wendy A. Lewis -- Janet Taylor Lisle -- (M.) Irene Livingston -- Larry Loyie -- Ana Maria Machado -- Glynne MacLean -- Jim McMullan -- Alice Ann Miller -- Gerald (Paul) Morris -- Jane O'Connor -- Janie Jaehyun Park -- Marcus Pfister -- George (Ames) Plimpton -- Sieb Posthuma -- Giselle Potter -- Philip Pullman -- Willo Davis Roberts -- Laura Wood Roper -- Phyllis Shalant -- Lesley Simpson -- Andrea Spalding -- Eileen Spinelli -- Stephen R. Swinburne -- Robert (Edward) Swindells -- Erika Tamar -- Mike Venezia -- Ross B. Young
Summary Covers individuals ranging from established award winners to authors and illustrators who are just beginning their careers. Entries cover: personal life, career, writings and works in progress, adaptations, additional sources, and photographs
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Original: 226 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm
Print version record
Subject Agell, Charlotte.
Ashman, Linda.
Atwell, Debby.
Bat-Ami, Miriam.
Bauer, Jutta.
Beardsley, Martyn.
Brissenden, Connie.
Brock, Betty C. (Betty Carter), 1923-
Brooks, Kevin.
Brunhoff, Laurent de, 1925-
Burn, Ted, 1940-
Canyon, Christopher.
Carson, Mary Kay.
Chall, Marsha Wilson.
Chapman, Lynne F. (Lynne Ferguson)
Cohen, Peter Zachary.
Colston, Fifi.
Cottringer, Anne.
Darnell, Kathryn.
Davies, Nicola, 1958-
Deuker, Carl.
Diaz, David.
Dickinson, Peter, 1927-2015.
Dodds, Dayle Ann.
Elster, Jean Alicia.
Fox, Charles Philip, 1913-2003.
Franco, Betsy.
Friedman, Debra.
Froud, Brian.
Gagliano, Eugene M.
Geter, Tyrone.
Glass, Andrew, 1949-
Gold, Bernice
Golding, Theresa Martin.
Gorman, Carol.
Gottfried, Ted
Greenstein, Elaine.
Harrison, David L. (David Lee), 1937-
Hartung, Susan Kathleen.
Hawkes, Kevin.
Heap, Sue, 1954-
Heyes, Eileen.
Hoffman, Mat, 1972-
Jacobs, Francine.
Johnson, Angela, 1961-
Kidd, Diana.
Kudlinski, Kathleen V.
Lewis, Wendy A., 1966-
Lisle, Janet Taylor.
Livingston, Irene, 1932-
Loyie, Oskiniko Larry, 1933-
MacLean, Glynne.
Machado, Ana Maria, 1941-
McMullan, James, 1934-
Miller, Alice Ann, 1958-
Morris, Gerald, 1963-
O'Connor, Jane.
Park, Janie Jaehyun.
Pfister, Marcus.
Plimpton, George.
Posthuma, Sieb.
Potter, Giselle.
Pullman, Philip, 1946-
Roberts, Willo Davis.
Roper, Laura Wood, 1911-2003.
Shalant, Phyllis.
Simpson, Lesley.
Spalding, Andrea.
Spinelli, Eileen.
Swinburne, Stephen R.
Swindells, Robert E., 1939-
Tamar, Erika.
Venezia, Mike.
Young, Ross B.
Brunhoff, Laurent de, 1925-
Chall, Marsha Wilson.
Davies, Nicola, 1958-
Dickinson, Peter, 1927-2015.
Fox, Charles Philip, 1913-2003.
Froud, Brian.
Geter, Tyrone.
Gorman, Carol.
Harrison, David L. (David Lee), 1937-
Hartung, Susan Kathleen.
Hawkes, Kevin.
Hoffman, Mat, 1972-
Johnson, Angela, 1961-
Kidd, Diana.
Lisle, Janet Taylor.
Loyie, Oskiniko Larry, 1933-
Machado, Ana Maria, 1941-
McMullan, James, 1934-
Pfister, Marcus.
Plimpton, George.
Potter, Giselle.
Pullman, Philip, 1946-
Roberts, Willo Davis.
Spinelli, Eileen.
Swindells, Robert E., 1939-
Authors -- Biography.
Children's literature -- Bibliography.
Illustrators -- Biography
Children's literature.
Genre/Form Bibliography.
Form Electronic book
Author Kumar, Lisa.
ISBN 0787669962