Law, Alemannic : Recht und Kultur im frühmittelalterlichen Alemannien : Rechtsgeschichte, Archäologie und Geschichte des 7. und 8. Jahrhunderts / herausgegeben von Sebastian Brather
Law, Alemannic -- History : Recht und Kultur im frühmittelalterlichen Alemannien : Rechtsgeschichte, Archäologie und Geschichte des 7. und 8. Jahrhunderts / herausgegeben von Sebastian Brather
Law, Ancient -- Digests : A view of ancient laws, against immorality and profaneness : Under the following Heads ; Lewdness ; Profane Swearing, Cursing, and Blasphemy ; Perjury ; Prophanation of Days devoted to Religion ; Contempt or Neglect of Divine Service ; Drunkenness ; Gaming ; Idleness, Vagrancy, and Begging ; Stage-Plays and Players ; and Duelling. Collected from the Jewish, Roman, Greek, Gothic, Lombard, and other laws, down to the middle of the eleventh century. By John Disney, M.A. Vicar of St. Mary's in Nottingham
Law, Ancient -- Social aspects : Ancient legal thought : equity, justice, and humaneness from Hammurabi and the pharaohs to Justinian and the Talmud / Larry May
Law and anthropology -- History : Lawyers and savages : ancient history and legal realism in the making of legal anthropology / Kaius Tuori
Law and anthropology -- Methodology : The imagined juror : how hypothetical juries influence federal prosecutors / Anna Offit ; with a foreword by Annelise Riles
Law and art -- Europe -- History : Art in early modern law : evolving procedures for heritage protection in 15th- to 18th-century Europe / Chiara Mannoni ; texts translated by Amedeo Ceresa Genet and Chiara Mannoni
Law and art -- Europe -- History -- Sources : Art in early modern law : evolving procedures for heritage protection in 15th- to 18th-century Europe / Chiara Mannoni ; texts translated by Amedeo Ceresa Genet and Chiara Mannoni
Law and art -- Europe -- History -- To 1500 : Tabula picta : painting and writing in medieval law / Marta Madero ; translated by Monique Dascha Inciarte and Roland David Valayre ; foreword by Roger Chartier