Language and education -- Africa, Southern : Handbook of language policy and education in countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) / edited by Michael M. Kretzer, Russell H. Kaschula
Language and education -- Africa, Sub-Saharan : Multilingual learning : assessment, ideologies and policies in Sub-Saharan Africa / edited by Colin Reilly, Feliciano Chimbutane, John Clegg, Casmir Rubagumya and Elizabeth J. Erling
Language and education -- Australasia. : Language planning and education in Australasia and the South Pacific / edited by Richard B. Baldauf, Jr. and Allan Luke
Language and education -- Australia -- Victoria. : The Place of languages other than English in Victorian schools : report to the Minister for Education / State Board of Education, Ministerial Advisory Committee on Multicultural and Migrant Education
Language and education -- Cyprus : Sociolinguistic and pedagogical dimensions of dialects in education / edited by Andreas Papapavlou and Pavlos Pavlou
Language and education -- East Asia. : Language policies and language education : the impact in East Asian countries in the next decade / edited by Ho Wah Kam & Ruth Y.L. Wong
Language and education -- Ethiopia -- Tigray Region : Language policy in Ethiopia : the interplay between policy and practice in Tigray Regional State / Mekonnen Alemu Gebre Yohannes ; contributions by Joseph Lo Bianco and Joy Kreeft Peyton
Language and education -- European Union countries : Quality and equity in education : a practical guide to the Council of Europe vision of education for plurilingual, intercultural and democratic citizenship / edited by Michael Byram, Mike Fleming and Joseph Sheils
Language and education -- Ghana : The Impacts of Language and Literacy Policy on Teaching Practices in Ghana Postcolonial Perspectives on Early Literacy and Instruction
Language and education -- Iceland : Language development across the life span : the impact of English on education and work in Iceland / Birna Arnbjörnsdóttir, Hafdís Ingvarsdóttir, editors