Languages America Research History : Relative clauses in languages of the Americas : a typological overview / edited by Bernard Comrie, Zarina Estrada-Fernández
Languages America Terms and phrases : The grammar of body-part expressions : a view from the Americas / edited by Roberto Zariquiey, Pilar M. Valenzuela
Languages Andalusia (Spain) : A descriptive and comparative grammar of Andalusi Arabic / edited by Institute of Islamic Studies of the University of Zaragoza
Languages Andes Region Maps : El castellano andino norperuano : una historia lingüística y social / Luis Andrade Ciudad ; traducción: Luis Andrade Ciudad
Languages Andhra Pradesh (India) : Land, water, language, and politics in Andhra : regional evolution in India since 1850 / Brian Stoddart
Languages Antwerp (Belgium) : Jazyková krajina jako kronika komplexity : etnografický pohled na superdiverzifikovanou společnost / Jan Blommaert ; z anglického originálu Ethnography, superdiversity and linguistic landscapes: chronicles of complexity ... přeložil Kryštof Herold
Languages Appalachian Region, Southern Dictionaries : Smoky mountain voices : a lexicon of southern Appalachian speech based on the research of Horace Kephart / Harold Farwell, Jr. & J. Karl Nicholas, editors
Languages Arab countries : Applied linguistics in the Middle East and North Africa : current practices and future directions / edited by Atta Gebril
Languages Asia, Central : Historical linguistics and philology of Central Asia : essays in Turkic and Mongolic studies / edited by Bayarma Khabtagaeva with the assistance of Zsuzsanna Olach
Languages Asia, Southeastern Bibliography : South-East Asia : languages and literatures, a select guide / edited by Patricia Herbert and Anthony Milner, South-East Asia Library Group