Small uniformly-sized spherical particles, of micrometer dimensions, frequently labeled with radioisotopes or various reagents acting as tags or markers
Small uniformly-sized spherical particles, of micrometer dimensions, frequently labeled with radioisotopes or various reagents acting as tags or markers
LATEX Programm : Latex notes : practical tips for preparing technical documents / J. Kenneth Shultis
Latex -- Properties : Fundamentals of latex film formation : processes and properties / Joseph L. Keddie, Alexander F. Routh
A high-molecular-weight polymeric elastomer derived from the milk juice (LATEX) of HEVEA brasiliensis and other trees and plants. It is a substance that can be stretched at room temperature to at least twice its original length and after releasing the stress, retract rapidly, and recover its original dimensions fully
Small uniformly-sized spherical particles, of micrometer dimensions, frequently labeled with radioisotopes or various reagents acting as tags or markers
Small uniformly-sized spherical particles, of micrometer dimensions, frequently labeled with radioisotopes or various reagents acting as tags or markers
Latex -- Surfaces : Fundamentals of latex film formation : processes and properties / Joseph L. Keddie, Alexander F. Routh
Latham, Woodville -- Trials, litigation, etc : In the United States Patent Office, before the Commissioner of Patents, Woodville Latham vs. Herman Casler vs. Thomas Armat : testimony on behalf of Herman Casler
Latham's snipe : Latham's snipe, Gallinago hardwickii, in Australia and Japan / by J.A. Naarding
Läti Nõukogude Sotsialistlik Vabariik -- See Latvia
Lati Rinbochay. : Death, intermediate state and rebirth in Tibetan Buddhism / Lati Rinbochay and Jeffrey Hopkins ; foreword by His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama ; assistant editor, Elizabeth Napper
Latifa : My forbidden face : growing up under the Taliban : a young woman's story / Latifa ; with the collaboration of Chekeha Hachemi ; translated by Lisa Appignanesi
Latifa, 1980- : My forbidden face : growing up under the Taliban : a young woman's story / Latifa ; with the collaboration of Chekeha Hachemi ; translated by Lisa Appignanesi
Latifi, Afschineh. : Even after all this time : a story of love, revolution, and leaving Iran / Afschineh Latifi, with Pablo F. Fenjves
Latifi, Mohammad Bagher, 1938-1979. : Even after all this time : a story of love, revolution, and leaving Iran / Afschineh Latifi, with Pablo F. Fenjves
Latifundio -- Mexico -- History : Land and society in colonial Mexico : the great hacienda / by François Chevalier ; translated by Alvin Eustis ; edited with a foreword by Lesley Byrd Simpson