Läti Nõukogude Sotsialistlik Vabariik -- See Latvia
Lati Rinbochay. : Death, intermediate state and rebirth in Tibetan Buddhism / Lati Rinbochay and Jeffrey Hopkins ; foreword by His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama ; assistant editor, Elizabeth Napper
Latifa : My forbidden face : growing up under the Taliban : a young woman's story / Latifa ; with the collaboration of Chekeha Hachemi ; translated by Lisa Appignanesi
Latifa, 1980- : My forbidden face : growing up under the Taliban : a young woman's story / Latifa ; with the collaboration of Chekeha Hachemi ; translated by Lisa Appignanesi
Latifi, Afschineh. : Even after all this time : a story of love, revolution, and leaving Iran / Afschineh Latifi, with Pablo F. Fenjves
Latifi, Mohammad Bagher, 1938-1979. : Even after all this time : a story of love, revolution, and leaving Iran / Afschineh Latifi, with Pablo F. Fenjves
Latifundio -- Mexico -- History : Land and society in colonial Mexico : the great hacienda / by François Chevalier ; translated by Alvin Eustis ; edited with a foreword by Lesley Byrd Simpson
Latimer, Frances Bibbins -- Interviews : Africans in America. Part 1, The terrible transformation. Interview with Frances Latimer, historian / [produced by WGBH]
Here are entered general and comparative works dealing with the Semitic alphabet and its ancient and modern derivatives, or with similar series of characters employed to represent the sounds of a languageWorks on variations in the style of writing in the past, and especially with ancient and medieval handwriting, are entered under PaleographyWorks on written languages as a form of communication or discourse are entered under Written communicationWorks on the process or result of recording language in the form of conventionalized visible marks or graphic signs on a surface are entered under Writing. Works on the writing of a particular language are entered under the name of the language with subdivisions Alphabet and Writing, e.g. Greek language--Alphabet; Egyptian language--Writing. Works on systems of writing used by several peoples are entered under Writing, followed by the name of the system, e.g. Writing, Arabic --subdivision Alphabet or Writing under groups of languages or under particular languages, e.g. English language--Alphabet; Slavic languages--Writing; also subdivision Languages--Alphabet under names of regions, countries, etc