Here are entered general and comparative works dealing with the Semitic alphabet and its ancient and modern derivatives, or with similar series of characters employed to represent the sounds of a languageWorks on variations in the style of writing in the past, and especially with ancient and medieval handwriting, are entered under PaleographyWorks on written languages as a form of communication or discourse are entered under Written communicationWorks on the process or result of recording language in the form of conventionalized visible marks or graphic signs on a surface are entered under Writing. Works on the writing of a particular language are entered under the name of the language with subdivisions Alphabet and Writing, e.g. Greek language--Alphabet; Egyptian language--Writing. Works on systems of writing used by several peoples are entered under Writing, followed by the name of the system, e.g. Writing, Arabic --subdivision Alphabet or Writing under groups of languages or under particular languages, e.g. English language--Alphabet; Slavic languages--Writing; also subdivision Languages--Alphabet under names of regions, countries, etc
Latin America Actions and defenses : Práctica clínica y litigación estratégica en discapacidad y derechos humanos : algunas experiencias de Iberoamérica / [coord.] Francisco José Bariffi
Latin America Africa Foreign relations : Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean : the case for bilateral and multilateral cooperation / edited by Sabella Ogbobode Abidde
Latin America Age groups: adolescents Spain : Representing history, class, and gender in Spain and Latin America : children and adolescents in film / edited by Carolina Rocha and Georgia Seminet
Latin America Age groups: children Spain : Representing history, class, and gender in Spain and Latin America : children and adolescents in film / edited by Carolina Rocha and Georgia Seminet
Latin America Aging Congresses : Strengthening the Scientific Foundation for Policymaking to Meet the Challenges of Aging in Latin America and the Caribbean : summary of a workshop / Kevin Kinsella, rapporteur ; Steering Committee for the Workshop on Strengthening the Scientific Foundation for Policymaking to Meet the Challenges of Aging in Latin America and the Caribbean, Committee on Population, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine
Latin America Agricultural innovations : Technical change and social conflict in agriculture : Latin American perspectives / edited by Martín Piñeiro and Eduardo Trigo