Here are entered works on the practice of law in a non-profit setting aimed at bettering society, including such activities as issue-oriented work for the purpose of influencing public policy, client-oriented work on behalf of individuals who are under-represented in the legal system, defending important rights belonging to a significant segment of the public, etc
Law -- Puerto Rico : Studies in the civil law and its relations to the jurisprudence of England and America : with references to the law of our insular possessions / by William Wirt Howe, LL.D. of the bar of New Orleans
Law -- Puerto Rico -- History : The legal construction of identity : the judicial and social legacy of American colonialism in Puerto Rico / Efren Rivera Ramos
Law -- Qubec (Province) -- History : Essays in the history of Canadian law. Volume XI, Quebec and the Canadas / edited by G. Blaine Baker and Donald Fyson
Law reform -- Africa : Reforming business-related laws to promote private sector development : the world bank experience in Africa / by W. Paatii Ofosu-Amaah
Law reform -- Asia -- Congresses. : Globalisation and resistance : law reform in Asia since the crisis / edited by Christoph Antons and Volkmar Gessner
Law reform -- Australasia -- Congresses. : Minutes and record of proceedings : sixteenth Australasian Law Reform Agencies Conference Hobart, Tasmania 24 and 25 September 1993
Law reform -- Australasia -- Digests : The Law reform digest : a digest of the reports of law reform agencies in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea / the Law Reform Commission, Australia